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Rockstar wants GTA Online players to steal $2 trillion (yes, trillion) in a week


In 2020, Rockstar Games held a “Heist Challenge” in Grand Theft Auto Online, offering free rewards for the entire community if players could collectively steal GTA$100 billion from Heist Finales in one week. They delivered in spades, bringing home an astounding $1 trillion by the time the event was over. So for 2022, Rockstar is stepping things up a bit.

“This year, to put a proper cap on The Heists Event, we are putting out a call across Los Santos and Blaine County for all thieves, wheelmen, hackers, and Heist tacticians to double the previous efforts,” Rockstar announced (opens in new tab). “Put your criminal instincts to the ultimate test and score big in the all-new Heists Challenge. Burgle alongside the community this week and hit a cumulative grand total of GTA$2 TRILLION to unlock a special reward coming later this year.”

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