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ICYMI: Trump faces another disgraceful first, and Alex Jones gets his just desserts


Donald Trump achieves another first: Meeting with a probation officer

We’re just sad he doesn’t have to provide a urine sample.

Republicans want to use Texas as a blueprint for banning abortion

This cannot happen.

Who will win the 2024 election: Billionaires or everyone else?

Either way, they still have to deal with the little people.

Cartoon: Blending in

Like a sore thumb.

Trump’s guilty verdict is driving away voters he can’t afford to lose

And these ”double haters” are critical to the election outcome.

15 bonkers things Alex Jones said on his way to $1.5 billion judgment

It is truly mind-blowing how many horrible things Jones has said.

RNC’s latest awful hires: A ‘Stop the Steal’ guy and a Christian nationalist 

Those who say “there’s no accounting for taste” are … wrong.

Far-right news Epoch Times is in trouble, but maybe not if Trump is elected

In an upside-down world, this could be our new state news outlet.

Trump has super healthy conversation about revenge with Dr. Phil 

Good to know that payback isn’t something keeping Trump awake at night.

Suddenly, Republican voters support putting a felon in the White House 

He can’t get a job at the post office, so it seems Republicans think this is the next best thing.

Ukraine Update: More planes, more ammo, more money flowing to Ukraine

There is nothing easy about this war.

7 stories to know: Trump talks to radicals, a big week in space, and why even learn

Also stories on electric vehicles becoming more affordable; something weird is going on in Baraboo, Wisconsin; and communities that will be most affected by heat. 

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