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Our Favorite Lyrics From Capstan’s New Album, The Mosaic


If there’s one thing about us at The Honey POP, it’s that we stan Capstan. They dropped the first single, ‘Bête Noire,’ in October of last year. Since then, they’ve followed with six more bangers, the most recent being ‘What You Want’ featuring Oliver Baxxter of Broadside. If you didn’t know, the band also self-produced, engineered, and recorded their new album, which makes it even more impressive. The Mosaic‘s 18 tracks truly showcase Capstan’s talent and versatility while remaining cohesive and staying true to the album’s theme of the complexities of life — making it a strong contender for AOTY. With that being said, here are our favorite lyrics from The Mosaic.

‘I. Revolve’

“Collecting dust inside an old empty shell
Will better days still know me? Absent of the hurting
Cast my gaze inside me”

‘Final Words’

“Every night reciting these words of grief
Though time has altered their meaning
Let it resonate with anyone who feels the same I can’t revel on,
I have to turn the page”


Focused on my failures (hidden deep)
Hammering the nails (wanna break free)
Craft my own casket with miseries past
When can I break free? Be who you see in me

‘An Open Letter’

“I was a storm when I was younger and if I lost you in the flood,
I hope this apology serves as enough”


I was wrong to embrace the idea that I can’t ever change
As we grow, everyday
You’re the true north, still guiding my way

‘II. Revise’

So I’ll love on, cherish this glow
Find a place to grow, start to let it go
Restitch my tapestry, erase the misery scene


I hear the memories echoing
If they could hear me I’d be whispering
Stay present in every second, each moment
Soon you’d give it all to do it all over


“See yourself as a hero? Ignoring all the failures
of your ideology to protect the ones who’re most desperate”

‘What Can I Say?’

“You broke the cage, the one that held me for so long
And kept me writing heartbreak songs
You brought my heart a joy I can’t convey

‘III. The Mosaic’

…hate only stems from the loss of the only thing we ever really need at all,
our glimpse of each other so very small,
a monocolored fragment of an endless vibrant sprawl.

Capstan told us in our exclusive interview with them that it’s their favorite lyric from the album, and we absolutely have to agree. Yes, it’s 10 minutes and 3 seconds. But this song has so much beauty, and it’s the best way to end an album. You have to listen to the entire song.

So, what do you think of Capstan’s new album, The Mosaic? And what are your favorite lyrics? Let us know in the comments, on FacebookInstagram, or by tweeting us @thehoneypop!

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Aera Ahn

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