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ICYMI: GOP continues to endure humiliation, and Michael Cohen faces cross-examination


Most voters know who killed Roe. The ones who don’t could still matter

Trump did it. And he brags about it. But apparently, some voters just aren’t paying attention.

Watch GOP witnesses struggle to answer for Trump’s vow to be a dictator

It shouldn’t be hard to say that wanting to be a dictator is bad.

Republicans are ditching their day jobs to do Trump’s dirty work

The GOP ass-kissing train to NYC continues.

Cartoon: Michael Cohen

Sounds like someone is changing his tune.

Colorado GOP tries to sabotage its odds of flipping a swing seat

Because today’s GOP is driven by dysfunction.

‘The truth hurts’: Democrat slams GOP for trying to undermine Trump’s trial

Rep. Stacey Plaskett breaks it down with something Republicans rarely use: facts.

Michael Cohen faces cross-examination from Trump’s legal team 

Here’s hoping Cohen keeps calling him “Dictator Douchebag.”

Biden got the debates he wanted. Full stop

Biden called Trump’s bluff. 

Watch top Democrat slam GOP for defending Trump’s ‘indefensible acts’

Every word of this.

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