I hate change. You might not have known that about me, but I find change incredibly scary, especially when its something I invested a lot of time in or got used to something. This is especially so with technology.
I don’t like getting new phones because then I have to learn a whole new thing. I don’t like getting a new computer and getting used to a new operating system. My son yelled at me for not updating to Windows 11 but it scared me to have to learn something new. 
I don’t like updating my phone operating system either. I don’t like things moving around on my screen on my phone. (Honestly, this is one of the things about me that make me pretty sure I’m autistic, just like 3 of my kids.)

So imagine how scary it is for me to redesign my website?!?! I’m terrified I’ll totally ruin it.
I knew for some time the site was no longer mobile friendly, but after 3 people messaged me about that within just one day, I knew I couldn’t wait any longer…

But I’m doing this all myself.

But unlike when I first started off, I didn’t need to find only a free template. I actually “invested” and bought a template. It was just $12. 

And I think it is pretty and user friendly and has what I want it to have.

But now I need to fix it and make it better, and that will take a bit of time when things will be a bit rough around the edges… but bear with me. (Look at that funky pull down menu option at the top. Hahahaha…)


Quick question though… 
The template I bought didn’t include a header image but it was important for me to include that, but I needed to make it mobile friendly. I used Gemini to figure out how to do it, but it told me to do 

(max-width: 768px) {
#header-wrapper img {
max-width: 600px;

under the CSS, which is supposed to make it smaller on mobile devices but that doesn’t seem to be doing anything. Any suggestions on how to fix it?

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