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Governor Kemp signs controversial voting bills into law


Tuesday, Georgia Governor Brian P. Kemp signed three voting-related bills into law. These measures create new rules for voter challenges. Republicans claim the bills will secure future elections. Plus, the victory is sweet especially for some that believe the 2020 Presidential election was ‘stolen’.

Kemp signed Senate Bill 189 into law Tuesday afternoon. The legislation creates new rules for challenging voter qualifications. It also bans the use of QR codes to count ballots after 2026. SB 189 also requires the counting of all advance and absentee ballots within an hour of the polls closing. Additionally, any political party or political body could qualify for the presidential ballot if it already has gained access to the ballot in at least 20 states or territories.

Controversially, unhoused people without a permanent address must re-register to vote. They will not be able to vote at a homeless shelter. Persons that are “homeless and without a permanent address” — must visit the county’s registrar’s office. Previously, registered voters without permanent addresses have registered at shelters or government offices, including courthouses.


Itoro N. Umontuen

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