Self Help
Aryan’s Story of Transformation – YourDOST Blog
Most of us tend to cling to things with the expectation of making it better, but sometimes, the solution is just to let go. Trying to control things beyond a limit tends to make them worse and can make life a bit tiresome.
Meet Aryan, a young lawyer in the making, doing his BA LLB (Honours) degree at NLU Delhi. He’s a 3rd year student in Madhya Pradesh, who currently resides in Delhi for his education.
The foundation of life is laid during childhood, and a happy childhood contributes to a well-established life.
“I had a very happy and contented childhood. I have an amazing family, consisting of my parents and younger sister, and we share a tight bond.”
Aryan has a vibrant personality and hobbies that vary according to his interests. He likes dancing, watching movies and shows, playing chess and football, and writing.
He found out about the services offered by YourDOST as his university has collaborated with the organisation as their official mental health partner.

“I met Ms Anjali Jain, my therapist, on the YourDOST platform. I’m glad I took the opportunity to work with her on my concerns.”
Aryan was initially sceptical about therapy as anyone but gradually formed a bond with his therapist that helped him immensely in the long run. Ms Anjali helped him feel comfortable enough to share his problems, and they have lasted 40 sessions till now. She had a unique process of assessing the concerns and giving solutions that helped him understand himself better.
“I had lived through a breakup in my relationship that mentally affected me the most. I decided to turn to therapy to get a grip on my emotions and evaluate them.”

Perfectionism is important in life. However, too much of anything can have adverse effects rather than providing better results.
Aryan strives for perfectionism at all times and thus, at times, feels pressured to rise to his own expectations. He started feeling unable to perform better which took a toll on his mental health.
The stress of performing well and various relationship concerns led him to find solace in therapy with YourDOST.

“Ms Anjali introduced me to Mandala art, a form of drawing patterns that helped me sleep better at night.”
When a seed is sown to grow in the dirt, it needs to have an airy texture to let the sapling grow into a healthy plant. Similarly, everyone needs space to grow, that can allow them to breathe, once in a while.
As Aryan followed a rigid life structure due to his obsession with perfection, his therapist helped him loosen up a bit in life. She helped him pause and take a break occasionally and encouraged him to practice sports like football to improve his physical health.
Aryan started noticing changes in his demeanour and embraced taking a break now and then. The guidance from Ms Anjali was the foundation on which he built his new life.
“I am extremely grateful to my therapist for being patient throughout the journey. I feel content and heard in all aspects of my life.”
Therapy helped Aryan understand himself better and even helped him choose a career path that best suited him. He explains how everything has fallen into place after the session and defines his life for the best.
Aryan has rated himself a striking 4.5 on 5 in terms of feeling better after sessions. He coins the term “improvement” as improving at your own pace.
We are extremely proud of Aryan for coming so far, and it’s just a matter of time before he hits the Golden 5.
Aryan’s Warrior Tips:
1.“The stigma surrounding therapy shouldn’t bother you, as taking therapy does not mean having mental problems.”
2.“We should not wait for bad things to happen before seeking therapy. It should be a space to share good and bad things without judgment.”
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