Self Help
The Pursuit Of Finding Herself Through Formidable Obstacles – The Story of Keerthana’s Victory – YourDOST Blog
Patterns manifest themselves in the eyes of people that the universe wants to help. Identifying the patterns and distancing yourself from them depends on the beholder. Let’s go through the story of someone who helped herself from submerging in the deep waters before it was too late.
Keerthana, a 27-year-old assistant manager at Neuland. She is from Khammam Telangana and is our protagonist. She is the youngest of two siblings and has an elder sister.
The family we grow up with and the images engraved in our minds influence the life we create.
Being the younger one of the family, Keerthana was attached to both her parents who were working at the time. Her sister is like a second mother and cared for Keerthana as a kid because their parents were away.
“I am a person who loves sports and likes playing volleyball and practising karate once in a while.”

Keerthana discovered the services of YourDOST as her company had collaborated with YourDOST as their official mental health partner. Here, she met Ms Nirthya, her therapist.
“Nirthya was unpredictable. Usually, people lie and sugarcoat things but Nirthya was different. The techniques she used were different. I could never prepare for her sessions beforehand and I look forward to them for the same reason.”
Keerthana started having panic attacks in 2020 and one even lasted for an hour and a half and that was a turning point in her life. Her father hailed from a humble background and was very affectionate towards his girls. However, he had an obsession with cracking UPSC examinations and pinned down his expectations on his daughters.
She tried multiple times to crack the examination but failed. Later on, she applied for an MBA as her career was on hold and she wanted to do something in life. Her sister wanted to crack the examination but unfortunately failed too.”
“I was also in a 6-year-long relationship at the time. He was my senior, a Christian, his parents were pastors, and he ticked all the boxes my parents wanted. However, he was an alcoholic as well and used to cry and create scenes and even punch holes in the wall to tell me how much he loved me.”
Keerthana’s ex-partner was always suspicious of her whereabouts and used to smash his phones to let out his anger. Things became out of control when he learnt about a trip Keerthana had with her colleagues. He became insecure, and the fights lasted for 45 days, during which she had only a meal per day as she lost her appetite when she was stressed. In the end, she finally decided to let go.
“I had to deal with his entire family, who were calling me all the time to persuade me. They wanted me to give him another chance, but I was done. Later, I got into another effortless relationship and made me feel.”

“I knew of the traditional techniques like the 54321 methods and breathing techniques and did them regularly before opting for therapy. However, Nirthya was different. She wanted me to do things like sitting in front of a chair and ranting about everything until I got it out of my system.”
Keerthana was struggling with suicidal thoughts when her parents were encircled with emotional stress to accept her relationship with her present boyfriend. Nirthya suggested simple methods like cleaning her room that helped Keerthana feel accomplished.
“I had several negative coping strategies like stress eating and digestive problems when I am anxious. I had severe anger issues and did not have any friends as well. My wardrobe used to be black, grey and brown, which gradually became colourful as I improved.”

Ms Nirthya helped Keerthana take up medication after consulting a psychiatrist and pulled her out of the hellhole she was in.
“I still don’t know Nirthya as a person which is what I like about her. She and her techniques are unique, which made it easier for me.”
Keerthana remembers being paranoid about her relationships and did not believe in herself. After 27 years, she finally understood that it wasn’t her responsibility to sort out the friction between her parents as it was high time she focused on herself.
“I only have immense gratitude towards Nirthya for being who she is. Her unique way of dealing with me and her exclusive techniques made me who I am today.”
Keerthana feels therapy was scary for her but a good scare that makes you want to discover more. She rated herself a solid 4 out of 5 in terms of feeling better and envisions improvement as having a good meal and working on herself.
Keerthana is a warrior whom we at YourDOST were honoured to speak with. The hardships she faced and the way she rose to the surface of the deep waters are inspiring to each one of us.
We wish Keerthana all the best for her future!
Keerthana’s Warrior Tips:
1.“Going for a ride, a scooter, or even an auto ride would help you assemble yourself in distress.”
2.“Going out and having just a beverage may help you most of the time to think clearly.”
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