International travel comes with excitement and a lot of planning. Part of the experience depends on how well-prepared you are for your trip. To ensure a fun and safe time abroad, check out some of these tips to get the most out of your stay.

1. Pickpockets

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There’s a perception in Eastern Europe that pickpocketing happens all too frequently. However, travelers across Europe have been targeted by their fair share of pickpockets. Keep your money and documents in a money belt or similar anti-theft bags.

2. Pushy Restaurants

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It’s common to find restaurant employees or owners near the front door of their venue, handing you menus and trying to pull you into the restaurant to sit down. Some even walk alongside you down the street. Politely decline and go on your way.

3. Be Aware Of Canals

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Canals are everywhere throughout Europe and not all are marked or easily identified. Many small towns and villages have canals that flow right up to the street, and when the water is high or covered in grass, tourists accidentally fall in.

4. Costumed Street Performers

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Similar to costumed street acts you’d see in Hollywood, there are areas throughout Europe with locals dressed in costumes. The gimmick is that they offer to take photos with you and then demand you pay for the pictures. Keep an eye out for these folks, and do not hand them your camera.

5. Car Rentals

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This applies to travelers heading to major cities. If you plan to stay in the city, there isn’t much need for a rental car since many cities are walkable with easy access to various shops, dining, and entertainment. If you plan to visit more rural areas, then you may need a car.

6. Unwanted Souvenirs

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Many tourist spots sell generic souvenirs and trinkets. Vendors will try to place them in your hands. Then, once you’re holding it, they expect you to cough up money to buy it. If you plan on picking up souvenirs, be aware of the areas where you’re shopping.

7. Cash Vs. Card Payments

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If you sit down at a restaurant and they say you can pay with a card, ask to see the card reader. Many travelers have experienced restaurants claiming they accept card payments and then insisting on cash only when they present the bill.

8. Respect Memorials and Landmarks

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Many destinations throughout Europe hold significant cultural and historical importance to locals. Before visiting, research local traditions to make sure you show respect and are on your best behavior while there.

9. International Phone Service

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When traveling abroad, you’ll need to plan to know what type of cell phone and data services are available. You may need to wait until you arrive at your destination to buy a local SIM card, or you can sign up with your phone provider for service that’ll cost you a daily fee.

10. Befriend Locals

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First-timers in a city can get the most out of their trip by learning what locals like to do. They benefit by knowing where the locals like to eat, what they enjoy doing, and where they like to go. Hotel concierge or even a tour guide can be great resources.

11. Hold Onto Your Belongings

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Traveling with a purse or bag means you need to be aware of where it is. Even when you’re sitting, don’t leave it on the seat next to you or at your feet. Thieves are on the lookout for bags to snatch. There’s also a better chance you’ll forget it and walk away if it’s not physically on your person.

12. Don’t Leave A Tip

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In many (but not all) European cities, tipping is not a common practice. Although it’s a regular part of the dining experience here in the U.S., some servers may be insulted if you leave them a tip. Learn local customs before slipping a few dollars in with your paid bill.

13. Learn the Language

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A few months before your trip, take the time to learn a little of the local language. You can use apps like Duolingo or Rosetta Stone to help remove some of the stress of the language barrier. You don’t need to be fluent, but common phrases like “Please,” “Thank you,” and “Where is the bathroom” will come in handy.

14. Indoor Voices

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In many European cities, speaking loudly in public places is frowned upon, and even seen as disrespectful. This may be why the stereotypical American is considered to be loud and obnoxious. Whether or not that’s true, be conscious of your volume when traveling throughout Europe.

15. Menu Photos

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Many restaurants and cafés have photo menus with the cost clearly labeled. If you notice your bill is more expensive than you thought, reference the menu photos and check any price discrepancies before paying. They may have charged you extra, assuming you’d be none the wiser.

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The FugutiveThe Fugutive
Image Credit: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.


Never judge a book by its cover. You can say the same about movies.

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Image Credit: Universal Pictures.

The 80s was an incredible time for film. From award-winning cinema to hilarious comedies and everything in between, there was something for everyone to enjoy.

Thankfully, many of these 80s movies still hold up today. I regularly find myself watching these beloved 80s movies more often than modern cinema.

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