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No Purpose, No Direction, No Way
They say the only sure way to get Satan’s attention is to begin to turn one’s life to Christ. I’ve heard many ministers refer to a person’s lifestyle as but an entryway for the devil to gain access to your world. Supposedly, as long as you engage in the things and happenings of this world, Lucifer has no need to spend any energy dealing with the struggle for your eternal soul. You see life’s trials and temptations alone are enough to sentence any one of us to an afterlife void of the Lord, which if you didn’t know it, is the quintessential definition of hell itself.
As we use up our time here in the physical world, sometimes we lose sight of the obvious. A life without purpose, a life without direction, a life without faith is a life wandering aimlessly on a highway headed straight to hell. The devil does not need to work to gain access to this life. He can merely wait at the
toll booth entrance to hell and collect unsuspecting souls on the way by. You know when you’ve partied so hard that even the next day doesn’t clear the stupor of the night before? In this regard, I’m suggesting that maybe some of us could at least make the devil sweat just a little bit while he manipulates your life’s circumstances.
On the other hand a life dedicated to purpose, steeped in integrity and anchored in faith instantly becomes a target for Satan’shand. I’m trying to put him to work every day by appealing to the Lord to allow me to do His will everyday as opposed to myown. The reality is that Satan is coming for anyone who tries to hear and respond to God’s Word. “Some people are like seeds along the path where the Word is sown. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the Word that was sown in them.” Mark 4:15.The question is if you know this, then what you doing, if anything, to arm yourself against the inevitable onslaught awaiting anyone trying to be true to God’s Word.“And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” 2 Corinthians 11:14.
The point of all this is to let you know that as a believer, you have a neon sign that shines brightly in all the kingdoms of this world and the next. It alerts everyone around you to the true mission of your soul’s existence, which is to honor God. For the record Satan cannot stand the thought that your love of God could supersede his ability to wreck your world.You see I’m told he also loved God dearly at one time. He came, however, to love himself more. If he has his way, you and I and everyone will come to love ourselves more than welove Almighty God. And if that ever happens, I hope you have your toll booth token ready, because you will have just bought your ticket straight to hell.“For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of thecross of Christ.Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is their shame. But our citizenship is inheaven…” Philippians 3: 18-20. I only hope, I sincerely hope that you recognize the next trial or temptation headed your way is but a speck on the windshield of your life,a mere splattered piece of nothing standing in your way to the Promised Land. Any other consideration would be a mistake and an insult to God.
May God bless and keep you always.
This column is from “Spiritually Speaking: Reflections for and from a New Christian” by James Washington. You can purchase this enlightening book on Amazon and start your journey towards spiritual enlightenment.
James Washington
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