Dating & Love
The Simple Yet Unspoken Rules of Friends With Benefits – Morning Lazziness
In this era of Gen Z getting all groovy with their sexuality, FWB, or Friends with Benefits, is taking off all over the world. But the bitter truth behind this is that it is not for everyone. You need to have an exceptional amount of self-control and remember that you are just in it for fun.
A life outside of the FWB is equally important to prevent it from completely consuming you. For people who don’t want the responsibilities of a relationship but just want to hit it and quit it, it’s an amazing concept.
Not to mention that it can be an amazing stress reliever…
It works, trust me. But it doesn’t take too long for things to go south. There is a thin line between balancing your FWB and the rest of your personal life. You have to keep a distinct border in order to take things further and adhere to some unwritten rules that you are meant to know before getting into one.
Don’t know them? Relax, I got you; here are all the rules of friends with benefits that will ensure you have an epic blast. (Ahem Ahem) 😜
1. Clingliness? Ewww…
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One of the fundamental rules of Friends with Benefits is to remember that they are just there for the sex. Nothing more, nothing less; what they do in their free time is none of your business. So you are doing no one a favor by being clingy and annoying.
Be careful; you might even lose your honey just because you wanted the tree.
2. Throw your jealousy out!
Being jealous in an FWB is a big No- No! You don’t want to just go out there and seem desperate. Remember that they also expect you to be there for fun. Jealousy indicates you’ve broken your pact somewhere and are expecting more from them.
One of the best ways to avoid being clingy is to have more than just your FWB going for you; get a life, meet more people, and have a relationship.
It might be possible they have some more FWBs; it’s completely natural, they might want to spice things up in bed, or you might just not be it for them anymore.
In the event that jealousy overtakes you, it’s your responsibility to clarify things with them immediately to avoid the situation turning into a shitshow.
3. Let’s Keep It Casual
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Umpteen number of times have I seen that people will start to notice changes in their Friends with Benefits. Imagine they missed a few nights, might be ghosting you, or just be busy. You have to keep in mind that it is not a relationship!
Don’t go out looking for the perfect gift ideas for them; get them flowers or even exchange morning texts. It will make you a certified weirdo. In my own experience, the most fun that can be gotten out of the scenario is if the pair of you understand each other’s needs and never overstep your boundaries.
4. Curb Your Feelings
I hate this nasty word, “feelings” because it comes with its own set of baggage and prickles. Not only will it mess everything up, but it also might just drive them away.
So the best way to tackle this problem is with self-control. I am sorry, but there is no other way. You have to shut out what your heart says to give them the space they need.
5. Get Your Groove On
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Take this opportunity to experiment in the bedroom. Get your freak on!
Go for the stuff you won’t get if you are in a relationship. This is one of my favorite rules of “Friends with Benefits.” If you are someone who is just getting into one, you are going to have a bang.
6. Zero Expectations
A massive red flag in a relationship as well as in Friends with Benefits.
Expectations are often looked down upon, as they are the main objects that break the bonds you have created over the years. By having expectations that are not met, you are just HURTING YOURSELF. It will distance you from them and also make things awkward, which you certainly don’t want.
7. Clarify your boundaries
No means no. You have to set definite boundaries with your “friend.”
It will help you avoid any unwanted situations and keep things clear.
You have to clarify whether you potentially see yourself dating them.
And if you do, you have to set the pace at which things move forward and not damage any potential chances you have. PACE YOURSELF!
8. Avoid Someone You Have Feelings For
Guys, listen up. Feelings and sex don’t necessarily go hand in hand.
One of the most concrete rules of friends with benefits is that you never in a million years, involve feelings.
If you find yourself getting into an FWB with someone you have feelings for, run!
Because it won’t end well for you. I have personally suffered from this, and I don’t want our fellow readers to make the same mistake. Get someone who is fun and whom you love to hang out with.
9. Get Tested Regularly
FWB comes with sleepless nights and abundant sex.
You are responsible for both your own and your partner’s sexual health. Getting regular checkups is the way to go. In the end, you have to make sure that your partner feels surety in sharing those funny moments with you.
Wearing protection is also beneficial because it will shield you and your partner from any unwanted STDs and allow you to enjoy them without any reservations.
10. Make Sure To Have Fun!
Great happiness comes with great sex. not being cheesy, just telling the truth.
It’s important to keep your priorities straight. If you are not having any fun with your FWB, what is the point? Since there are no strings attached, why not enjoy the moment to the fullest and explore fun as much as you can?
11. Come Clean If you Catch The Feels
If you have reached this point, you must already know, there is no place for feelings in this place. If you do catch the feeling, it’s your duty to immediately inform your friend. There are clear signs that you“ “friends with benefi”s” schtick is getting serious. And they will notice this, and you will be in a whole world of troubleIt’s’s nothing to be ashamed of; after all, iit’snatural. The best way to deal with it is to tell them about it and talk it out.
So use all the testosterone you have inside to your advantage by going all out. Think iit’snot the time for you to settle for some boring relationships? Think you want to go all out in bed? Go for it, and have fun, you already know the rules. I wish you the best of luck.
Shruti Sood
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