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Fancy playing the original Fallout remade in Fallout 4’s engine? You’ll want to look out for a demo this summer


While the likes of Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 are all well and good, after enjoying Amazon’s Fallout TV show, a lot of us have been left craving a fresh Fallout experience – or even a new remake – to sink our teeth into.

To its credit, while Fallout 4’s next-gen update has fallen a bit flat, Bethesda does at least seem to be aware of the desire for it to do a bit more with the series. Though, until it can find a way to up its output, mods will continue to provide plenty of Fallout stuff to look forward to in between entries – with one interesting project looking set to release its first demo this summer.

Fallout: Vault 13 is, as you might have gleaned from the name, a modding project dedicated to remaking the very first Fallout game using Fallout 4’s engine – seemigly in a pretty similar vein to the likes of Fallout 4 New Vegas (no prizes for guessing what that one’s all about either). Following the release of a Shady Sands showcase video back in 2022, the project’s team has been working on a playable demo, and has just provided a fresh update on it.

“We know it’s been a little quiet on our end recently, and we’re thrilled to break that silence today with some exciting news about Fallout: Vault 13,” the group tweeted, “Our demo is nearly there, and we are at about 90% completion by our estimates! The final touches are being applied as we speak.”

Explaining that Fallout 4’s next-gen update and the various key framework mod reworks it’s necessitated has given them some extra work to do, the modders said: “While we can’t give an exact release date today, we feel confident enough to say that you‘ll be able to play the demo this summer!”

“The overall excitement within the modding community has been palpable, especially with the upcoming release from our friends over at Fallout: London,” they added, “We believe that this summer could be one of the most thrilling seasons for the Fallout modding community in a long time.”

While, as with all fan projects, I’d generally reccommend keeping your expectations for this one tempered, rather than going in expecting the world, if you like the idea of a modern take on classic Fallout, that demo defintely sounds like something worth keeping an eye out for as we get into the summer months. Yes, the year is dribbling away that quickly.

While Bethesda’s commitment to quality is admirable, it might want to try and avoid repeating what’s happened with Fallout 4’s next-gen update, especially on PC, where mods that get rid of it have gotten quite popular.


Mark Warren

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