Catalyst, a dynamic three-day ideation and pitching competition, is set to ignite the creative minds of Filipino students from Grade 9 to Grade 12. With the mission of fostering innovation and addressing critical national issues, Catalyst channels the energy and ingenuity of young participants toward designing ingenious solutions, all under the guiding principles of the Sustainable Development Goals.

At its core, Catalyst provides a vital platform for the youth to delve into the complexities of contemporary Philippine challenges. Through this competition, participants not only present their insights but also demonstrate their creative prowess in crafting solutions that hold the potential to make a tangible impact. Moreover, Catalyst is committed to instilling a strong sense of social responsibility among its participants, alongside fostering the design methodology thinking essential for future engineers.

The event unfolds across three pivotal components:

A. Inspiring Talks: Renowned figures from various domains, including academia, the scientific community, and the vibrant Philippine startup ecosystem, will deliver engaging talks. These sessions are designed to enrich participants’ understanding of the event’s theme and provide them with the fundamental tools for idea generation.

B. Empowering Workshops: Participants will have the invaluable opportunity to receive personalized mentorship from experts during dedicated workshop sessions. Through these consultations, students will refine their proposals, aided by professionals from relevant fields and adjacent STEM disciplines. The workshops serve as a platform for honing not just technical skills but also professional communication and collaboration abilities.

C. Culminating Pitch Event: The pinnacle of Catalyst is the highly anticipated pitch event on the final day. Here, selected teams will showcase their ideas before a distinguished panel of judges and fellow participants. This segment serves as a crucible for refining public speaking and effective communication skills, all while highlighting the depth of participants’ STEM knowledge to a broader audience.

As Catalyst 2024 unfolds, it promises to be more than just a competition — it is a transformative journey for its participants. Through collaboration, innovation, and a commitment to societal betterment, Catalyst paves the way for a new generation of Filipino leaders ready to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

Gadgets Magazine 17

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