Self Help
Sridevi Takes Control Of Her Workplace Stress Like A Boss Lady Through Therapy – YourDOST Blog
Despite being on an emotional rollercoaster, Sridevi has now had her life quite figured out. She is 28 years old and excited to begin her new chapter of marriage; we are equally happy for her too.
She works as a Senior Associate in the growth team of onboarding, is from Bangalore and belongs to a family of 4. She has a younger brother.
Sridevi has a die-hard passion for Bharatanatyam is also a trained dancer, and occasionally enjoys singing.
Things were going smoothly for her until there were issues of work-related stress. She came across YourDOST through her organisation’s subscription.

Let’s face it. Workplace stress is real, and as much as one tries to run away, it finds another way to creep up. Working hours, managerial behaviour, inappropriate language – Everything was getting on Sridevi’s nerves.
“Work was getting challenging there were internal conflicts and it was difficult handling it. I underwent misunderstandings and there were ego clashes and unwanted relationship conflicts.”
Stress and anxiety became Sridevi’s pals. She began to self-doubt and question her every move. “Am I doing the right things?” was the question she often asked herself.
Recalling her tipping point, Sridevi mentions how there were a lot of expectations and she did not want to underperform and would work earnestly, but her efforts would always go unnoticed and this worried her.

“Luckily, I saw a mail from YourDOST while I was randomly browsing through my inbox. At that moment, counseling seemed like the right thing to do and so I went to the platform and started to chat with an Expert.”
Sridevi had no one to go to, no one to share her feelings with and opening up in front of a counselor was a cup of tea, as she was happy thinking someone was there for her!
Sridevi fears others’ judgements, so the non-judgemental behaviour from YourDOST counselors gave her a sigh of relief. She initiated her sessions with Ms. Sagarika Palo.

The counselors’ approachability made her trust the process. As the sessions went by, she saw an immense turn-around with her stress levels decreasing too.
“As suggested by my counselors, I now start my day with a 5-minute meditation and breathing exercises.”
She expressed that she realised that it is her team, and her responsibility to work together and achieve team/individual targets. She also worked on her listening skills and everything improved for her drastically.
“It was great to have my counselor by my side as she was able to provide valuable insights to me. It helped me understand that challenges and conflicts are a natural part of one’s career journey. Learning to handle them with grace and moving forward is an important life skill that can benefit us in the long run.”
Sridevi described that after a point it felt as if her counselors pulled her out of rock bottom. But, we at YourDOST, feel it’s the sheer determination and will that she showed in herself that truly pulled her out of the sinkhole and made her the better person that she is today!
Sridevi rated herself with a 4.5 out of 5 in terms of feeling better and we wish her all the very best.
Sridevi’s Warrior Tips:
1.“It is important that you take therapy when things around you start becoming difficult. If you have trouble balancing things it’s okay to go seek help.”
2.“The relationship we maintain with our families matter. It’s important to seek learning through therapy sessions and find ways to mend your bends.”
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