Excitement has reached unprecedented levels at Londolozi with the frequent sightings of wild dogs. Recently, we’ve had the pleasure of encountering four distinct packs, sending ripples of excitement through our ranger team during game drives. You’re peacefully enjoying your afternoon drive when word comes in that a pack of wild dogs has been spotted nearby, and they’re on the move. Suddenly, all plans are scrapped as everyone is eager to get in on the action following the wild dogs. There’s an undeniable aura surrounding wild dogs, a sense of suspense that keeps you on edge. You never know what might unfold – will they embark on a thrilling chase? What other wildlife might they encounter along the way? The anticipation is tangible.

During a recent morning excursion, we stumbled upon a pack of 12 wild dogs just after they had finished off an impala. Eleven of them were clustered together, while the twelfth lingered a few hundred meters away, enjoying a separate meal. It was a fascinating sight as the lone dog rejoined the pack, and subsequently led them to its kill. However, their absence had attracted vultures eager for a free meal, prompting the wild dogs to hasten their pace. Upon their return, some members feasted, and others engaged in playful antics, chasing away the opportunistic birds. Eventually, the pack settled near a mud wallow, only to be interrupted by a swarm of vultures and a few hyenas vying for scraps, leading to yet another skirmish.

Later that afternoon, our attention shifted to another pack of nine wild dogs nearby. As the day’s heat waned, we watched in anticipation as they set off, their senses attuned to the presence of the larger pack. Tensions mounted as the two groups converged, resulting in a cacophony of sounds echoing through the bushveld – a surreal symphony of howls, whines, and barks. Amidst the chaos, it was impossible to distinguish individual dogs as they darted in every direction. Following their movements, we eventually returned to the scene of the altercation, where the larger pack seemed to be trying to make sense of the encounter just as we were.

In the end, our sightings of wild dogs on Londolozi were not just thrilling encounters but brief glimpses into the dynamic and often unpredictable nature of these magnificent animals.

Enjoy this Virtual Safari…

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Sean Zeederberg

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