Family & Parenting
Why I Make and Drink Lots of My Homemade Sports Drinks And My Calculating Savings
Last July, I went to the EDS (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome) expert in my country. I still plan on writing up about that visit because I found it very enlightening, but for now, I want to share one of the changes I have made to my life since then.
I have a recipe for Laborade, a homemade sports drink, that I published on this blog already 13 years ago, which I’d used successfully many times. But the recipe uses honey, which makes it pricier, and it creates a really large amount at once and needs to be mixed in a large container, which was a real headache to make and involved cleaning a large container each time. Basically, it was ok for one time uses but not for daily use. I tried experimenting with it, to make a powdered drink, similar to the Gatorade powder, using citric acid, tea bags, sugar, baking soda, and salt, and no matter how many different ways I tried, it ended up tasting quite vile.
It has been amazing. I see how my life has changed drinking my sports drink regularly (which, with my family, I now just call “my drink” or “my salty drink” because my kids keep on trying to take some to drink and I’ve designated them as my bottles only, because I use them to keep track of my liquid intake. (Though I will make them their own bottles as needed.)
But I see now how many boxes of tea I go through, as well as lemon juice and sugar. Herbal tea isn’t cheap, especially when I only find one company in most stores, so I can’t exactly price compare. I started to question myself if it was truly saving me a lot of money, or if I should just buy concentrate.
So what does Penny do when she isn’t sure if something is actually a good deal? She obviously does calculations, sometimes intense ones (as you might remember if you’ve been a reader for a while) to figure it out.
Every day I drink 3-4 liters a day of my sports drink. Most days it is 4 liters (and that is what it ideally should be). That means that over the course of a month I drink 120 liters of my sports drink.
To buy the Gatorade powder, it costs $74.60 (including shipping) for enough powder to make 9 gallons or 34 liters. This means that to get a month’s worth of my drink would be 3.5 containers. That would cost $261 per month if I were drinking Gatorade made from this powder.
International shipping is free if you buy over a certain amount of money but under a certain amount of lbs. So if I buy 4 packages it is $74 for 80, 16 oz packets, which makes a total of 1280 oz of drink. The 120 liters I drink is 4057 oz, so 3.17 orders of 4 packages would make 120 liters, for a total of $234.58 per month. A little cheaper than the Gatorage but not significantly.
For every 2 liters of my drink, I use 2 herbal tea bags, 1/3 cup sugar, 1/3 cup lemon juice, and 1/2 teaspoon salt.
I buy teabags at $5.11 for 25 of them working out to $0.20 cents per tea bag, $0.40 cents per 2 liter bottle, 80 cents per day, and $24 per month.
Lemon juice I buy for $2.34 for 1 liter, which is approximately $0.18 per bottle of drink, $0.36 per day, and $10.80 per month.
Sugar costs $1.29 for 1 kg, which makes it cost $0.16 per bottle, $0.32 per day and $9.60 per month.
Salt is basically negligible at $0.43 for 1 kg, $0.004 per bottle, $0.009 per day, and $0.27 per month.
This brings the grand total of $44.67 for 120 liters or a month’s worth of drinks.
And now, when I see that yet another box of relatively expensive tea gets used up, I’ll remind myself that it’s worth the money to be more functional, and its still significantly cheaper than it could have been.
Penniless Parenting
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