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Parenting 101: Unlocking girls’ creative potential: A call to action from LEGO Group


Did you know that, by age 5, girls think boys are taken more seriously? The LEGO® Group recently released new findings of their annual Play Well Report and here are some of the results:

– LEGO® Group reveals early findings of their bi-annual Play Well Report. They found that globally, an inspiring 75% of girls (age 5-12) aspire to enter creative roles when they grow up.

– But, as young as five years old, girls feel that boys are taken more seriously creatively and face an unequal societal pressure to be perfect.

– Globally, society is 7x more likely to use terms like “pretty” and “sweet” exclusively to girls, while boys are twice as likely to be given attributes of “brave,” “genius,” and “innovative.”

LEGO® Group wants to flip the script on this and has partnered with Harvard parenting experts, psychologists, and internal play authorities to make a difference and inspire parents and girls around the world. They have a new social experiment film, parent guides, and more.

– JC


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