A specialised police operation countering drug-related crimes was carried out in Pazardzhik (South Central Bulgaria) on Tuesday, the Interior Ministry’s press centre said on Wednesday. A 32-year-old man from Pazardzhik was arrested for cultivation, possession and distribution of marijuana.

The operation was conducted by officers of the anti-crime sector at the Regional Directorate of Interior in Pazardzhik and their colleagues from the Pazardzhik police department, under the supervision of the district prosecution service.

During a search of a property in Karabunar village operated by the detainee, the law enforcers found a separate and well concealed domestic drug orangery. It was established that in some of the adjacent rooms drugs were being prepared for distribution. Nearly 15 kilograms of high-quality marijuana were found. Over 56 kilograms of stems and leaves were also seized.

Pre-trial proceedings have been initiated. Work on the case continues.


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