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Store busted for selling counterfeit fireworks in South Sacramento, officials say


The fireworks were booked as evidence by the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office and the business received correction notices for fire code violations.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A store  in South Sacramento was accused of selling counterfeit fireworks.

According to the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District, W/S Hair Accessories was found with an assortment of fireworks and counterfeit California State Fire Marshal “safe and sane” seals.

Officials said investigators responded to the store along Sky Parkway for a code enforcement inspection. It came after they got a tip about the business illegally selling fireworks, according to fire investigators.

“We did find a number of fireworks for sale right at the front door of the business,” said Barbie Law, Fire Marshal for Sacramento Metropolitan Fire. “All of those fireworks actually had ‘safe and sane’ seals on them. However, those seals were counterfeit. This is not a time period in Sacramento County where any fireworks are allowed to be sold.”

The fireworks were booked as evidence by the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office and the business received correction notices for fire code violations.

Sacramento County has a general ban against having, using or selling fireworks except as provided under their county code. It’s also illegal in California to use, sell, or transport fireworks that don’t have the “safe and sane” seal.  

“In the unincorporated area of Sacramento County, it is unlawful to possess, sell, use, display or discharge ‘safe and sane’ fireworks outside of the time period beginning at 12:00 on June 28 and ending at 10.00 p.m. on July 5,” Sacramento Metropolitan Fire said in a news release. “It is also unlawful for any person to sell ‘safe and sane fireworks’ within the unincorporated area of Sacramento County without a valid County business license authorizing such sales.”

Law said they are trying to track down where the fireworks came from and how they got into Sacramento County.

“We are committed to curbing this problem,” said Law. “There are a lot of counterfeit seals out there, so the community needs to be really aware and inspecting the products that they do pick up because those illegal fireworks are dangerous and can injure you.”

Illegal fireworks sales and use within Sacramento County can be reported by either phone: 916-874-5115 or email:

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