The Best Single-Serve Coffee Makers for Every Budget (Starting at $18)
Whether you’re living alone, or with roommates who don’t drink coffee, or with a whole house of coffee-lovers, everyone should have at least one single-serve coffee maker in their culinary arsenal. For those of us who are the sole coffee drinkers in the house, that’s self explanatory — but even if everyone you live with is on the java hard, it still behooves you to keep a one-cup coffee machine of some sort in arm’s reach. Maybe you woke up late one day and everyone else killed the pot, or you need an afternoon pick-me-up and nobody else is home, or maybe you’ve gone full coffee nerd (nice) and don’t want anyone else sucking down cups of your freshly roasted Ethiopian Yirgacheffe. (You get my point.) That’s why we put together this short list of some of the best single-serve coffee makers for every budget, starting at just under 20 bucks.
Ian Burke
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