Update 2/20/24: Available again at 100%/100x back at Rakuten.
Update 11/29/23: Rakuten is now at 100x/100% for Surfshark, highest purchase is $115.68 (ht InevitableOk7737)
Update 11/22/23: Surfshark is also 120%.
Update 11/21/23: Back to 120%.
Update 11/16/23: NordVPN is at 120% on TCB, today only (ht reader Fantasy)
Update 11/11/22: SurfShark now up to 110%. (ht YF) NordVPN still at 105%.
Update 11/9/22: Now NordVPN is at 105% (SurfShark is the parent company of NordVPN). ht Sam Y.
Update 10/9/22: SurfShark offer is back slightly lower at 105% this time (ht random52)
The Offer
- Topcashback is offering 108% cash back on SurfShark VPN purchases
Our Verdict
It’s common to see high cash back rates on VPN purchases, but never seen any above 100%. Some people have issues with Topcashback tracking and paying out, so keep that in mind. Probably wouldn’t do this deal just for the extra cash back, but could be handy if you need a VPN.