The tragic incident at Inokashira Park Zoo in Tokyo, where 31 of 40 squirrels died due to an antiparasitic treatment gone wrong, has raised serious concerns about animal welfare and safety protocols within the facility.

This heartbreaking loss of Japanese squirrels, a beloved species in the country, calls for an immediate and thorough investigation.

Sign this petition to urge the management of Inokashira Park Zoo to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the squirrel deaths and establish enhanced supervision and safety protocols.

The fact that these squirrels, treated as a sanitary precaution, died in such large numbers shortly after receiving medication is alarming.

It points to a possible oversight in the administration of the treatment or a lack of adequate supervision.

The zoo’s statement acknowledging the incident and their previous experience with the drugs in question only adds to the urgency for a clear understanding of what went wrong.

In light of this tragedy, the zoo must take concrete steps to ensure the highest standards of care and safety for all its animals.

This includes a thorough review of medication protocols, regular training for keepers, and strict oversight by veterinary professionals.

Sign the petition to demand that Inokashira Park Zoo immediately review and improve its animal treatment procedures, including the supervision of a qualified veterinarian.

This article by Mathew Davis was first published by One Green Planet on 20 December 2023. Image Credit :Hawk777/Shutterstock.

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