Dash Cam
The most important tool in any vehicle is the almighty dashboard camera. The reality is that accidents are commonplace on the roads, and when you are going on a long road trip, you can find yourself in a number of predicaments where a driver is tailgating you or being aggressive on the road.
If you end up in an accident and need to pursue legal action through a car accident lawyer, a dash cam is critical because if you have done nothing wrong and you have video evidence, the case is closed. Make sure you have a dash cam for the front and the rear to cover all bases.
Vehicle Diagnostics Kit
Many diagnostics kits can show you what is wrong with your car and can alert you to any serious problems. Contemporary car diagnostics kits work with computer programs that will describe the problem, the parts you may need, and possibly the costs of the repair, which can be invaluable with older vehicles. But it’s also a good thing to do before you head off on your road trip, just in case you need to take it to the mechanic. You’ll be glad you had this item before you ventured off!
Power Inverter
As far as useful gadgets are concerned, this is right up there. For people undergoing long road trips, and are stuck in the car for 12 hours, an inverter is a gadget that can help you to power up all the other ones in the car. An inverter will change the current from the battery into the alternating current that most appliances use, meaning that you can use a variety of appliances in your car, even a toaster.
While it’s far better to make your breakfast when you are parked up safely, if time is of the essence and you need to cover hundreds of miles in a short space of time, a power inverter can make a massive difference. However, you must bear in mind that the power of the battery could run out. Ensure that whenever you are parked up after using a power inverter, you run your engine periodically.
Car Cooler
If you are driving during long hot summers or dark cold winters, plug-in coolers may be exactly what the doctor ordered. There are items that are coolers and warmers that can keep items as diverse as coffee and ice cream hot or cold, depending on what you want them to do. It’s also very useful when you are going on beach trips or camping. You can power it with a cigarette lighter or with chargers, making it easy to set up whenever you are.
Item Locators
Portable DVD Player
One of the problems with long-haul road trips is that you can easily venture away from any internet signal. A portable DVD player is the best tool for the job here because it can attach to the back seat, meaning that you don’t need to hold it, and it’s the perfect opportunity to get reacquainted with your old DVD collection. If you have been glued to Netflix for many years, and have neglected your box sets at home, this is an ideal opportunity to revisit your youth or when times were simpler and you had nothing better to do than watch episode after episode of 24.
LED Road Flares
There are many essentials your emergency kit should contain if your car were to break down or have an accident, such as jump cables, but if your car breaks down on a busy highway, and you have no choice but to pull over to a narrow shoulder, this could spell danger at every angle. Road flares are essential here, but the old types burn toxic chemicals and don’t last very long, this is where the LED warning lights make a massive difference. Many LED road flares are rechargeable and will ensure help gets to you as soon as you need it.
Finally, for those passengers who have not had the time to curl up with a good book in forever, e-readers can give you access to hundreds of titles. While some people may not like the idea of reading while being on the move because it stimulates car sickness, you can always go for an audiobook that everybody can listen to. Whatever your taste is, there is always a good title.
When it comes to family car journeys, the right tech is invaluable, but there are many ways to make sure that you and everybody else in the car are entertained and kept safe.
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