If you’re having trouble focusing at work, the culprit may be your workspace. The adage that a disorganzed desk leads to a disorganized mind holds some truth—especially if you’re devoting more mental energy to searching for office supplies than doing your actual job. For an idea of just how quickly office clutter can drain your brain, check out the hidden image puzzle below.

Office supplies hidden image search.


This brainteaser from the UK-based online printer instantprint features an array of office gear and stationary laid out with no sense of order. Ergonomic chairs, pencil cups, desk plants, laptops, and stacks of papers fill out the hectic scene. Hidden somewhere among the mess is a single book. See if you can find it in less time than it takes to check your inbox on a Monday morning. 

The makers of the image offered a few hints for anyone stuck sifting through the chaos. The book is open, and the pages feature graphs and charts. If you’re still struggling to spot it after a minute or two, you can find the solution to the puzzle at the bottom of the article. 

Having a messy workspace can make it hard to do anything else. If you don’t know where to start your decluttering spree, investing in some organizational tools can make the process less daunting. Hanging file folders, paper trays, and filing cabinets are a few of the products professional organizers recommend for anyone working from a home office. 

Looking for more mind-bending brainteasers? After solving the challenge below, see if you can spot the difference between the two disorganized closets in this puzzle.

Solution to office supplies hidden image search.


Michele Debczak

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