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The Finals Patch 1.4.1 Finally Nerfed Aim Assist


The Finals developers, Embark Studios, have been listening to the community, and have released a new patch that tackles the Aim Assist issue recently plaguing the game. In this article, we will be discussing how patch 1.4.1 finally nerfed aim assist in The Finals.

Since the game’s launch, players have been voicing their concerns around controller users abusing some of the stronger aspects of aim assist. The issue include things like Zoom Snapping being strong enough to allow a user to rapidly make a 90 degree turn while the aim assist keeps their reticule largely on target. Thankfully, patch 1.4.1 tackles that exact issue while also nerfing other unbalanced parts of AA that has seen the community rallying with approval since the patch went live.

Right away, the first change in this patch added a cap to the Zoom Snapping’s angular velocity that stops those crazy 90 degree turns. The amount of time Zoom Snapping is in effect has been reduced by .05 seconds. The biggest change that many are thrilled about involves the complete removal of Zoom Snapping on the SR-84 Sniper Rifle, Revolver, LH1 Rifle, and ALL shotguns. If you’re a controller user, you can safely relax because playing with these guns on a controller still feels appropriately doable.

For everything else controller related, the Camera Magnetism that helps keep the cursor on target has its effect reduced by 15%. Don’t fret, my personal experience still makes playing with a controller just as comfortable. If anything, engaging multiple targets that are close together might be easier with the slightly more lax aim assist magnetism. Now, if you’re a Light player, you’ll be thrilled to know that going invisible means aim assist no longer works on you. It’s a huge and welcome change that makes invisibility a little stronger, which is fair with the shotgun Zoom Snapping removal.

Finally, PC players that use re-mapping programs will no longer have access to aim assist like they did before. This is a hugely definitive blow against cheaters who want to bend the game’s systems to get an edge on the competition by using said re-mapping software on custom peripherals. All in all, Embark Studios has released a patch that proves they have been listening to the community while making some very fair changes. If you’re a controller user and you don’t like aim assist for whatever reason, you can still pretty easily turn it off!

About the author

Ali Taha

Whether its new releases, or a new Destiny 2 season, Ali will flex his gaming and freelancer skills to cover them extensively. He started off writing features for Game Rant but found a better home here on Twinfinite. While Ali waits for the next Monster Hunter title, he enjoys publishing his progression fantasy novels as an indie author.


Ali Taha

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