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CBD Leads to Nonseizure Improvements, AbbVie Launches 24-Hour Levodopa Infusion in EU, CNM-Au8 Improves Visual Function and Cognition – Medical Marijuana Program Connection


WATCH TIME: 4 minutes

Welcome to this special edition of Neurology News Network. I’m Marco Meglio.

In a survey study of patients with either Lennox-Gastaut syndrome or Dravet syndrome, findings showed that treatment with add-on cannabidiol (CBD; Epidiolex) led to improvements in nonseizure outcomes, regardless of reduction in seizure frequency. Despite the limitations associated with a retrospective survey-based study design, investigators concluded that further evaluation of CBD on nonseizure outcomes in these patient populations is warranted. On nonseizure domains of alertness, cognition, and executive function, 85% of respondents reported improvements in at least 1 survey question. This continued across several other nonseizure-related domains of emotional functioning (82%), language and communication (79% in nonverbal patients and 74% in verbal), and activities of daily living (51%).

More than a year after it received approval by the European Commission, AbbVie has announced the European market launch of foslevodopa/foscarbidopa (Produodopa), the first and only 24-hour infusion of levodopa-based therapy for patients with advanced Parkinson disease (PD). Prior to the launch, the therapy had received authorization through the Decentralized Procedure in the third quarter of 2022, followed by a CE mark in November of 2023. Also referred to as ABBV-951, this formulation of levodopa and carbidopa prodrugs are delivered as a 24-h/day continuous subcutaneous infusion (CSCI) via…

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