Media Bias Fact Check selects and publishes fact checks from around the world. We only utilize fact-checkers who are either a signatory of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) or have been verified as credible by MBFC. Further, we review each fact check for accuracy before publishing. We fact-check the fact-checkers and let you know their bias. When appropriate, we explain the rating and/or offer our own rating if we disagree with the fact-checker. (D. Van Zandt)

Claim Codes: Red = Fact Check on a Right Claim, Blue = Fact Check on a Left Claim, Black = Not Political/Conspiracy/Pseudoscience/Other

Fact Checker bias rating Codes: Red = Right-Leaning, Green = Least Biased, Blue = Left-Leaning, Black = Unrated by MBFC

FALSE Claim via Social Media: President Joe Biden had signed an executive order to send ammunition to Israel, bypassing Congress in the process.

The Dispatch rating: False (Such sales are allowed under the Arms Export Control Act.)

Fact Checking Claims That Biden Issued an Executive Order to Send Israel Munitions

Claim via Social Media: Video shows Hillary Clinton blamed various events, including her 2016 election loss and Jeffrey Epstein’s death, on climate change.

Politifact rating: Pants on Fire (This video’s audio was edited. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did not blame her 2016 election loss or Jeffrey Epstein’s death on climate change.)

No, Hillary Clinton didn’t blame Epstein’s death, 2016 election on climate change

FALSE Claim via Social Media: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention detect “alarming viral levels” of COVID-19 in the U.S. water supply.

Lead Stories rating: False (No Alarms)

Fact Check: CDC Did NOT Detect ‘Alarming Viral Levels’ Of COVID-19 In US Water Supply — It Was In Wastewater

FALSE Claim by Donald Trump (R): Nikki Haley “opposed Trump’s border wall” and “Trump’s travel ban.”

Politifact rating: False (Nikki Haley opposed Donald Trump’s 2015 campaign proposal to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. However, she supported travel bans he instituted as president. Haley didn’t oppose Trump’s border wall. She said a wall was not enough to reduce illegal immigration. As she campaigns for the White House, Haley says she supports building a border wall and banning people from countries with terrorism ties.)

Donald Trump ad wrongly describes Nikki Haley’s position on a border wall, travel ban

Donald Trump Rating

Claim via Social Media: Did Jeffrey Epstein Documents Reveal Al Gore Was on Client List?

Newsweek rating: False (Although Gore was mentioned in the Epstein documents, a list of Epstein’s clients was not released Wednesday. Therefore, Gore could not have been listed as a client in the court files.)

Fact Check: Did Jeffrey Epstein documents reveal Al Gore was on client list

FALSE (International: Ukraine): Video Shows Ukrainian Soldiers Wearing WWII German Helmets

Lead Stories rating: False (The footage shows a traditional reenactment event in Belgium. Nothing in the video links the men wearing historic uniforms to Ukraine.)

Fact Check: Video Does NOT Show Ukrainian Soldiers Wearing WWII German Helmets

Disclaimer: We are providing links to fact-checks by third-party fact-checkers. If you do not agree with a fact check, please directly contact the source of that fact check.

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