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After 34 years, a 13 year-old prodigy has become the first person to ‘beat’ Tetris by reaching the holy grail of high-level play: a ‘true killscreen’


Over three decades have passed since Tetris made its debut on the NES in 1989. Since then, a holy grail has lied just out of reach—the “true killscreen”. Now, a young prodigy has managed to reach it: after 34 entire years, a flesh-and-blood person has finally beaten Tetris.

Some explanations are in order: a killscreen is a term used in the retro game community. It’s different to an endscreen in that it crashes the game, creating a state where it’s impossible to get further. This is only usually possible in arcade games that are designed to be played endlessly—in an excellent explanation, YouTube channel aGameScout uses the example of PacMan, which breaks down at around level 256.


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