Receiving news of redundancy is an unwelcome bump in anyone’s career journey. It often incites fear, confusion, and uncertainty, leaving you to question the future and your worth. Although these emotions are natural, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Redundancy affects millions of people worldwide every year. In the aftermath of redundancy, it’s important to let yourself feel the emotions – then you can concentrate on the next chapter in your career.

Understanding the Redundancy Process

Redundancy occurs when an employer needs to cut the workforce to make room in the budget. This can be caused by a variety of factors including a decline in sales, the introduction of new technology, or a merger/acquisition.

Employees have a legal responsibility to follow a fair and transparent process. This includes consulting with employees to discuss the reasons for the redundancies, the number of employees affected, and the selection criteria. Before selecting employees, employers must make legitimate efforts to find volunteers for the redundancy.

If you’ve been employed at a business for 2 years or more, you’re entitled to redundancy to pay. The amount will depend on your length of service, age, and average earnings. Your employers are also required to give you notice, which is typically one week for every year of service.

Emotional Management and Self-Care

Being made redundant often brings a rollercoaster of emotions, which is why it’s important to take care of yourself. When you’re in a position to manage emotions, dealing with stress, building relationships, and making overall positive choices becomes much easier.

Self-care is an important aspect of emotional management. Here are some tips for self-care and emotional management:

  • Practice relaxation techniques: Deep breathing, meditation, and yoga are all proven to reduce anxiety and stress.
  • Spend time with loved ones: Social connections make you feel supported and loved.
  • Get regular exercise: Exercise releases endorphins, boosting your mood and improving overall physical health, which strengthens your mental health.
  • Have plenty of sleep: Sleep lets your body heal and recharge, which puts you in a better position to manage emotions.
  • Eat a healthy diet: Your body needs nutrients to thrive. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are known for improving mood and reducing anxiety.

You will experience ups and downs, but as long as you manage these effectively, you’ll be one step closer to your goals. If life feels too daunting, consider seeking professional support.

Reassessing Career Goals and Aspirations

Losing a job, whether it’s to involuntary or voluntary redundancy, presents an opportunity to reassess your career goals and aspirations. It can be a chance to evaluate what you want from your working life and decide if your previous role was fulfilling those needs. Additionally, it’s a chance to explore new career paths and possibilities.

Network Building and CV Optimisation

A strong network can be an excellent gateway into new careers. Your professional network can include former colleagues, industry experts, mentors, and people you meet at relevant social events. As well as a potential route into employment, a solid network gives you support and career advice, which can make all the difference as you adjust to a new way of life.

A strong CV is also essential for securing employment, so make sure you spend time optimising yours. You most likely won’t need to start from scratch, but you may need to change the file type from PDF to Word before you can make edits. Here are some tips for improving your CV:

  • Tailor your CV to each job advertisement
  • Quantify your accomplishments
  • Use strong action verbs
  • Get feedback from family members, friends, career counsellors, or employers that reject your application

Upskilling and Reskilling

The ability to continuously learn and adapt is essential for finding success in today’s ever-changing and competitive job market. This is where upskilling and reskilling are useful. Upskilling is the process of enhancing existing skills to boost performance. This could be learning new software, expanding your knowledge base, or mastering new techniques. Reskilling, on the other hand, involves acquiring skills for a completely new career.

Job Search Strategies and Effective Interview Techniques

Wading through the job market can be tough, but it becomes much easier with the right strategies and techniques. When searching for a job, make sure you’re looking for companies and roles that suit your skills, experience, and career goals. As well as this, you should conduct research for each company you apply to, including their culture, values, and recent developments.

Applying for the right positions is only half of the battle, you’ve got to get through the interview process as well. Start by researching the company thoroughly and practice answering questions – there are plenty of apps and online resources with interview questions. Additionally, you will need to understand your strengths and weaknesses, which are brought up in almost every interview.

Managing Finances and Securing Income

One of the most daunting aspects of redundancy is ensuring your financial well-being remains intact. Start by creating a detailed budget, investigate financial benefits, review your savings, and explore ways to diversify your income. If you need additional support, most banks offer free and confidential financial advice.

Maintaining Resilience and Optimism

The aftermath of redundancy has a way of making you feel beat down and discouraged. However, it’s important to remember there’s light at the end of the tunnel. If you need a few days off from job hunting, there’s no shame in that. Here are some of the ways you can keep remaining optimistic:

  • Focus on your strengths and skills
  • See redundancy as a chance to grow instead of a period of loss
  • Practice self-compassion and know it’s okay to feel emotions
  • Embrace life’s challenges as opportunities to learn
  • Engage in activities that bring you joy
  • Seek professional support if needed, whether it be a counsellor or a career coach

Being made redundant can be challenging and unsettling, but it doesn’t have to define your existence or career trajectory. With the right mindset and strategies, you can navigate this time and come out stronger. Remember, you are never alone and it’s okay to embrace your feelings.


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