Growing up, one of my favourite family vacations was visiting the Kruger National Park. It’s a great bonding experience with the adventure of being immersed in the wilderness—not to mention, limited access to wifi and cell phone signal makes it a wonderful environment for connection. I can vouch that a family safari is an adventure you won’t want to miss out on.

With that said, if you’re considering a family safari, here’s a look at what a typical day would be like for you and your family at Londolozi.

Sunrise Safari:

Kickstarting your day, the family will rise and shine for an exhilarating sunrise game drive. For those who may not be early risers, worry not – a gentle knock at the door signals the arrival of a tray with morning coffee, hot chocolate, and cookies making the wake-up process more exciting. After indulging in these morning treats, it’s time to set out and witness the wilderness come alive at the crack of dawn—a magical experience for the entire family.

Family Breakfast:

After an exciting morning exploring the wilderness, you’ll return to camp for a delicious family breakfast. There’s nothing more bonding than being around a table together, sharing stories and experiences from the day. Our dining areas are wifi-free, encouraging connection and the opportunity to immerse yourself in the surrounding nature.

Food Lunch2

Activities on Our Cubs Den Program:

We offer an array of activities to keep your children engaged through our Cubs Den children’s program. In this program, they’ll have the opportunity to meet other children and engage in activities that not only help them learn about nature but also immerse themselves in it. The activities range from learning about animal tracks and fishing to arts and crafts, cooking, and much more. It’s a chance for them to have fun, make friends, and deepen their connection with the natural world. Londolozi provides the perfect space for children to disconnect from their devices and appreciate the magic of the outdoors.

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Time to Indulge in Relaxation:

While your kids are off exploring the wilderness and engaging in fun activities, it’s a perfect opportunity for you to steal some time at our healing house where you can indulge in a variety of relaxing treatments. In today’s busy world, real luxury means having time for yourself to heal and connect with nature.

Londolozi Healing House Sound3

You can also utilize this time to savour your chalet experience. Enjoy a drink on your private deck, take a refreshing dip in the plunge pool, and immerse yourself in the peaceful sights and sounds of nature that surround your chalet.

Londoz Founders 0523 91 High

Reconnect for a Family Lunch:

After spending time apart, and engaging in various activities, lunchtime becomes the perfect moment to reconnect over a delicious meal on your camp deck. Every day, our lunch menu brings excitement with a variety of delicious choices. We also have a specially designed kids’ menu with tasty options for their enjoyment.

Ct Tree Camp Lunch Buffet

Family Time:

After lunch, unwind and spend your afternoon at one of Londolozi’s pools—a family favourite that provides a refreshing escape from the African heat and an opportunity for some shared fun. Personally, I believe the pool is where the magic of family time happens—it’s a perfect place for enjoying each other’s company.

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High Tea:

Before your afternoon bush adventure, enjoy a refreshing afternoon tea on the deck. Take your pick from a selection of iced coffee, flavoured waters, homemade lemonade, or iced tea. Don’t forget to indulge in our daily assortment of cakes and treats – a favourite among the little ones!

Lemon Cake

Afternoon Game Drive:

After a day filled with fun and relaxation, it’s time for your afternoon game drive. It’s an opportunity to explore,  learn about wildlife, and share in the excitement of incredible sightings. It’s a wonderful bonding experience, creating memories your family will talk about for years to come.

Elephants Waterhole Shingi Land Rover Jt

You’ll also have the opportunity to stop for drinks and watch the stunning African sunset—a beautiful moment for you and your family to experience together.

Alex Jordan Sundowners

Dinner Under the Stars:

To end off your day, you’ll enjoy a family dinner in one of our famous bomas, outdoors under the stars. Adorned by candlelight and centered around a warming fire, it’s a magical setting for a family meal.

Ct Varty Boma

In a world dominated by technology, it’s crucial for  kids to experience the outdoors. The setting of a boma dinner serves as a reminder of the importance of reconnecting with nature; under the open sky, kids can fully enjoy being outside.

Lg Fireside2

While no two days are the same on safari, that was just a glimpse into what a typical day might hold for you and your family at Londolozi.

Megan Kane-Berman

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