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Delaware Lawmaker Pursues Wider Access to Medical Marijuana | Latest News – Medical Marijuana Program Connection


Delaware’s recreational cannabis market is still in its infancy, but one lawmaker wants to make sure those who need weed for medical reasons can get it. 

Marijuana has been legal in the First State since April 2023, but Delaware dispensaries still cannot sell to anyone without a medical card. 

House Bill 285, sponsored by Rep. Ed Osienski (D-Dist. 24), looks to expand access to those medical cards. 

The bill would remove regulations that require people to have a debilitating illness in order to qualify for a registry identification card and would allow out-of-state card holders to use them here. 

Still, some believe the federal government should have a say in all this first. 

“I think until they change the federal law you are going to have an issue with marijuana no matter what,” Ray Antal shared. 

If the bill is signed into law, health-care providers would make the determination of whether a patient has a diagnosed medical condition for which the patient would receive therapeutic or palliative benefit from the use of medical marijuana. 

Supporters, like Marcus Hook of Dover, think this would stop people from buying illegally. 

“You wouldn’t have the guys on the street corners doing the same thing where the price is almost the same and people could get the real stuff from the dispensary and it would be totally legit,” he said. 

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