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How To Get A Better Sleep – 11 Simple Tips


You already know that sleeping well is essential if you want to stay alert and healthy. Your body needs sleep like it needs food and drink. It’s part of your healing and refuelling process as a human, but so many of us struggle to get a good nights sleep. Sometimes it’s because we have a lot on our minds and sometimes we just don’t need as much sleep as other people. If you have got to the point where you are tired and are desperately trying to work out how to get a better sleep then I have 11 simple tips that might help you.

How to get a better sleep – 11 simple tips

1. Sleeping Naked Can Help You Fall Asleep Faster!

You may find this idea appealing or not depending on who you are sleeping next to, but apparently sleeping with no clothes on helps to speed up your body temperature adjustment so you reach the perfect temperature for sleeping more quickly.

2. Sleep Teas

My second simple tip (and one I swear by) is to try caffeine free sleep teas. If you haven’t already seen my article on the best sleep teas, then head over to How to fall asleep faster : Incredible sleep teas and have a look. I use them on a regular basis and 9 times out of 10, I feel sleepy within half an hour of drinking them. I don’t feel groggy in the morning, and I personally think they are awesome. If you’re not into sleep teas, then let’s move on to tip number 3.

3. Avoid Brain Overload

Resist the temptation to get into bed and open up your emails on your device. Your brain should be starting to slow down at night-time and if you’re checking your emails just before you go to sleep, this’ll wake your brain up and you won’t be able to switch off. Set yourself a cut off time, for example 7:00 PM for doing any last minute work. Your emails will still be there in the morning when you wake up, and you’ll be able to tackle them much more efficiently if you’ve had a good night’s sleep.

4. Declutter Your Bedroom

If you’re not naturally a tidy person, you may have a very crowded and cluttered bedroom. Go and have a look at your room and tell me if you feel relaxed in it. If the answer is no, then it’s probably time to tidy up and give your bedroom some TLC. You need to create a room that is relaxing and calming. How do you expect to switch off and fall asleep when there is chaos all around you?

anonymous black girl lying on stack of clothes in bedroom
how to get a better sleep
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

5. Avoid Caffeine

I would highly recommend not drinking any coffee after 3:00 PM. If you have to have coffee after that, make sure it is a decaffeinated one. Even breakfast tea has a high content of caffeine in it and can contribute to you staying awake. If you drink a lot of coffee and you are looking at this article wondering how to get a better sleep then this could possibly be your easy Solution. Caffeine can stay in your system for hours and can take up to 10 hours to completely clear out of your bloodstream. This one was quite surprising for me. I didn’t realise it stayed in your system quite so long.

6. Improve Your Diet

Do some research into which foods help with sleep. Try to plan your meals around foods which will help you relax and boost your body’s ability to switch off in the evenings. Avoid large quantities of sugar just before bed because this will really wake you up. Do not be tempted to eat that last piece of chocolate gateaux that is staring at you from the second shelf of the fridge. It will give you energy just as you don’t need it.

7. Choose Your TV Programmes Carefully

Don’t watch television programmes that are going to lift your heart rate and make you feel anxious. For example, do not be tempted to catch up on the latest scary thriller on Netflix. Save that for a leisurely Saturday morning.

8. How To Get A Better Sleep By Distracting Your Brain

Why don’t you try to read a book or listen to some relaxing music or even a podcast before bed. Personally, I do word puzzles and I find my brain switches off fairly quickly. For me it is all about finding a distraction from the day’s events. I find once my brain has stopped thinking about what has happened and what’s going to happen the next day, I start to feel sleepy.

9. Check Your Bedding

Having a comfy bed is absolutely essential for good night’s sleep. Check your mattress and the thickness of your duvet. Your mattress should be fairly firm to give you enough support that you aren’t waking up in the night with back ache. And your duvet should be the right thickness for the time of year. If it is too cold or too hot you will find you are restless and will wake up unnecessarily. 4.5 tog is usually a good thickness for the summer time and 10 tog is good for the chilly winter nights. Add a blanket if you need extra warmth as this can be kicked off nice and quickly if you start to overheat.

10. Air Circulation

If you want to know how to get a better sleep, then having fresh air and a good supply of oxygen in your bedroom is essential. Just like sleeping naked, the fresh air will help to cool your body temperature faster to get it to the ideal level where your body can comfortably sleep. You don’t need to have all the windows open especially in the winter as you will freeze and wake up with icicles on your nose, but a small flow of fresh air from a window on the latch will be perfect. If you don’t want windows open at night then try to open them during the day to allow the air in your room to be refreshed.

11. Exercise

Make sure you’ve had plenty of exercise during the day, even if it is just a 20 minute walk around the block. This will make you feel sleepier in the evening because your body will be more tired. If you’ve sat at your desk or vegged out on the sofa all day this could prevent you from feeling sleepy at night.

How to get a better sleep – Conclusion

There are plenty of things you can try to figure out how to get a better sleep at night. Try my steps one by one to see which one works for you. Give each one a go for at least a week because some of these may take time to show the effects. Mix them up and try some together if you like. Good luck and let me know how you get on.


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