Scooter Braun Calls Out Popular Artists For Staying Silent On Israeli Hostages
Instagram / @scooterbraun
Scooter Braun is calling out A-listers in the music industry … demanding they do more with their large platforms to help Israeli hostages in the Middle East.
The music exec sat down with Rachel Goldberg, the mother of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an Israeli hostage who’s been held in Gaza for 76 days. Rachel says she’s been struggling to get big celebs to help spread the word about her son, saying, “the silence from the music industry has been so deafeningly palpable for us.”
According to Scooter and Rachel … celebs are hesitant to speak on the subject due to the nuance of the conflict between Israel and Palestine — but Scooter says that’s not a valid reason to stay quiet.
As Scooter puts it, he’s begging people to just say “something” and ask for the hostages to come home. Scooter acknowledges this is a sensitive subject matter … but the fact that Hamas’ attack happened at a music festival should make it personal to everyone who works in the industry.
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SB has been spending time in Israel helping people in need.

BTW, Rachel joined us on “TMZ Live” last month, and spoke about how she’s working around the clock to get her son home.
TMZ Staff
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