Since retaking control of the House earlier this year, Republican lawmakers have devoted a significant amount of their time—when they haven’t been fighting amongst themselves—to attempting to prove President Joe Biden accepted bribes and should be impeached and removed from office. Unfortunately for said Republicans, they haven’t turned up squat—as a number of their colleagues will tell you—and instead have merely succeeded in making themselves look stupid. Which, according to House Speaker Mike Johnson, can only mean one thing: They should double down.

Speaking to reporters on Tuesday about an upcoming vote to authorize a formal impeachment against the president, Johnson said he expected every single House Republican to vote in favor of it. Yes, despite an astonishing lack of evidence against Biden, Johnson believes the GOP should and will dig themselves further into this hole. “This vote is not a vote to impeach President Biden,” the House Speaker said. “This is a vote to continue the inquiry of impeachment, and that’s a necessary constitutional step. I believe we’ll get every vote that we have.” (An aide to the Speaker told The New York Times that a vote would likely happen next week, though things could change.)

To date, the GOP investigation into the president has focused primarily on the work his son Hunter Biden did for companies in China, Ukraine, and other countries. And as the Times notes, that hasn’t worked out so well for them, vis-à-vis proving their claims of a Biden family crime ring.

Per the Times:

Republicans have labored to prove that President Biden was enriched by his son’s business dealings. Many of the documents they have produced thus far have, in fact, demonstrated the opposite: that Mr. Biden lent money to his son and brother, James Biden, when they were in need, and they later paid him back.

On Monday, the House Oversight Committee released documents that showed that one of Hunter Biden’s businesses, Owasco PC, made three payments of $1,380 to Joseph R. Biden Jr. in 2018 when he was not in office. Republicans said the payments were evidence of corruption. Other documents indicate the money was to pay back his father for helping to cover the cost of a Ford truck.

Representative James Comer, the chair of the Oversight Committee, appeared on Newsmax this week to demonstrate that he has no idea how loans, or math, for that matter, work:

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Last week, Hunter Biden told Congress that he would happily comply with a subpoena for testimony, but only in public. In response, the committee rejected the offer and insisted he must testify in private, leading Representative Jamie Raskin to issue a statement calling the GOP’s rejection “an epic humiliation” and “a frank confession that they are simply not interested in the facts and have no confidence in their own case or the ability of their own Members to pursue it.” 

Last month, The Washington Post reported that Johnson effectively admitted, during a closed-door meeting with Republicans, that the impeachment push against Biden is entirely political and not actually based on a belief the president committed high crimes and misdemeanors. This week, Republican representative Troy Nehls told USA Today that attempting to impeach Biden is all about giving Donald Trump “a little bit of ammo to fire back” should the two men meet again in the general election.

Bess Levin

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