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Board of County Commissioners organizes marijuana regulation hearing – Longmont Times-Call – Medical Marijuana Program Connection


The Boulder County Commissioners will hold a public hearing Thursday to discuss marijuana licensing regulation updates.

The hearing will be held at 9:30 a.m. Thursday in a hybrid format, with community members able to attend and comment virtually via Zoom or in person at the Commissioners’ Hearing Room at 1325 Pearl St.

The proposed amendments largely deal with changes in terminology due to the Colorado Medical Marijuana Code and Colorado Retail Marijuana Code being combined into the combined Colorado Marijuana Code and other state and county name and department changes.

The regulations would also strike a prohibition against stores selling products online and allow in-person pickup for marijuana products with sufficient identification would provide hearings for alleged violations.

To register for the virtual meeting, visit or call in by dialing 1-833-568-8864. The Webinar ID is 160 534 0974.

Reach out to the Permit and License Operations Manager Kathy Gissel with any questions at or call 720-564-2626.

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