Over A Decade Of Health Challenges Including Mental Health Issues And How They Were Resolved w/Evan Transue of The Health Detective Podcast – Functional Diagnostic Nutrition
Evan Transue, AKA Detective Ev, graduated from FDN in 2017.
Before finding FDN, he and his mom had suffered from a variety of health challenges for over a decade, including but not limited to severe cystic acne, major depressive disorder, panic disorder, GERD, and Grave’s Disease.
The FDN system transformed his and his mom’s lives so profoundly that his work is now centered around spreading its teachings.
Evan is currently the host of The Health Detective Podcast, owner of Bucks County Light Therapy and Functional Medicine Center, and speaks professionally to middle and high school students about mental health challenges.
He has been blessed to speak to over 50,000 students nationwide and deliver over 500 professional presentations.
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