Barbra Streisand Says James Brolin’s Pillow Talk Inspired Aerosmith Song
Barbra Streisand‘s life didn’t just inspire her hits — it apparently led to others reaping the benefits of chart success … including Aerosmith, which rode the coattails of her pillow talk.
According to Barb’s new memoir, ‘My Name is Barbra,’ Steven Tyler and co. have her to thank for their hugely popular single “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing” … ’cause she says the inspiration from the song actually came from something her husband once told her in bed.
The way BS tells it … she and her then-BF James Brolin were laying next to each other one night (sometime in the mid-’90s) not long after they’d first met/started hooking up.
She says they were staring at each other, when JB said … “I don’t want to fall asleep.” She asked why and he replied, “‘Cause I’ll miss you.'” Barb adds … “What a beautiful, poetic thing to say. And it captured a moment of complete bliss… physical, emotional, spiritual.”
About a year after that, in 1997, Barbra says she was doing an interview with Barbara Walters on “20/20,” during which she recounted that sweet moment … something Diane Warren was also watching from home when this episode aired, so claims Barbra.
One thing led to another, and DW eventually wrote Aerosmith’s first #1 hit in ’98 … which went on to be used in “Armageddon” and be nominated for an Oscar that year too.
After seeing how much success the song garnered, Barbra writes … “It was so gratifying to see so many people responding to Jim’s words. Well, no wonder… so did I!”
Super cool story!
TMZ Staff
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