Why am I writing a review of Nikon’s newest lens, the Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena lens when I’m supposed to be writing about “bokeh?” Because the bokeh this lens creates is everything!

According to google, bokeh is defined as “the out of focus areas of a photographic image as rendered by a particular lens.”

I’ve used Nikon gear my entire career and I’ve used a variety of their camera bodies and lenses.

As a dog photographer, my 70-200mm f/2.8 is the lens that is on my camera the most. However if I sort my photos based on the focal length I use, I am at 135mm a lot.

A few years ago I bought the Sigma Art 135mm f/1.8 lens. I LOVED this lens. Until I didn’t.

When I first bought it, it hardly left my camera because the bokeh it creates is gorgeous but in the course of 2 years, I had to send it to Sigma three times for service. Because of this I lost trust in the lens and I quit using it.

Fast forward to 2023 and I am now shooting with the Nikon Z8, a mirrorless camera body. Nikon calls their mirrorless bodies and lenses “Z” and for the past year there have been rumors about a Z 135mm lens being released.

Kim Hollis

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