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41 Funny Relaxing Memes to Help You Unwind


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Ever feel like life’s too overwhelming? Maybe it’s time to step back and unwind with these relaxing memes.

Each day, different things demand your attention—family, school, work, relationships, and more. Trying to do all that’s expected of you can cause stress, and we know that stress can affect us negatively if we experience too much of it. As much as possible, take the opportunity to relax whenever it presents itself—like right now.

Allow yourself to enjoy a few minutes’ respite as you scroll through this collection of memes. They can serve as your reminder to take the time to stop, smell the flowers, and chill out.

1. Pink Hearts Socks Are Mandatory

If all you do when you get home from a very busy day is sleep, that’s fine with us. You need it.

You will probably need some comfort food when you wake up. Love those socks, by the way.

2. Time for a Break

via Don’t Get Serious

The world can get very demanding, very fast. You need to learn to take breaks before you get overwhelmed.

3. Chillin’ on Vacation

via PicsMemes

Vacation pro tips:

  • Turn off your phone.
  • Put on sunscreen.
  • Lounge by the pool all day.

4. Finally Getting Some Me Time

via Read All the Things

It’s not easy being in customer service. A hot bath is in order after all the day’s chaos.

5. It’s Supposed to Be a Magic Carpet Ride

Many people are eager to relax when given the opportunity. However, some people find that the habit of being stressed is too deeply ingrained for them to chill out, even for a few hours.

6. Take This With You

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Here, take this talisman. May it protect your “me” time and give you hours of total relaxation.

7. Read the Fine Print

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Maybe a course in mindfulness is in order? Seriously, if you have any of the above-listed conditions, it’s best to consult a certified specialist to get the appropriate support.

8. Oxygen Zone

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Okay, first order of business is to sit down. Next,, slowly breathe in through your nose. Hold. Then exhale.

Good. You can put that paper bag away.

9. Artists Have It Down Pat

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 Some people are experts at chilling out. I fervently hope you are one of those experts.

10. Take a Break and Sing the Campfire Song Song

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Allow yourself to take a break every once in a while. And if you feel like singing, do it!

11. Have You Tried Memes?

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Don’t look too far. Memes are the answer. Continue reading.

12. Gotta Have Lavender

via Katie The Creative Lady

There are a number of essential oils that can alleviate stress. Lavender is known to have positive effects on anxiety and depression. We’d totally understand if you have a ton of it on hand.

13. Unbothered. In My Lane. Moisturized.

This is how life should be. Self-pampering takes away all of the stress after a hectic day.

14. It’s the Weekend After All

There isn’t a law that says you can’t enjoy a relaxing weekend.

Go ahead. Indulge.

15. But It’s So Comfy Here

via eBaum’s World

This looks like procrastination. But then again, maybe that lounge chair is just too comfortable to leave.

16. Stress-Prevention Tip

via eBaum’s World

Trace the problem to the source. Eliminate the source. It makes sense.

17. Lavender Works Wonders

Slather that lavender on to help you relax. But maybe not this way.

18. This Is the Life

Full bellies and a nap. These two know how to do relaxation right.

19. Don’t Cancel Your Plans

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If you’ve made plans for self-care, honor them. Never cancel a date with yourself.

And by the way, if you’re looking for stress-busting activities, check out these awesome self-care ideas for women to avoid burnout.

20. Any Kind of Potato

That couch looks cozy. Plus, that is the cutest potato we’ve ever seen.

21. The Way She Railroads Everything

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Unfortunately, this happens more often than you think. A lot of moms [dads, too] will bust that atmosphere of peace and relaxation and take you to activities that promote your personal development.

22. Remind Them to Relax

If the person is your friend, take them somewhere quieter. A glass of water and some words of assurance are also appreciated.

23. Nothing Could Be More Peaceful Than This

via Cheezburger

Perfect bliss. Nothing can compare to it.

24. It Never Really Happens

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We all know that nobody truly relaxes during their vacation. But you can still check out these songs to add to your vacation playlist.

25. Relaxation Pancakes

via Cheezburger

These slumbering cuties make me green with envy. It’s like they’re melting from the sheer joy of relaxation time.

26. If Only I Had Time to Relax

Last time I checked, I owe all the tired for the rest of the year. I need coffee.

27. Only the Couch Understands

Thanks for always being here, couch. If it were only up to me, I would never leave.

28. Everything Is Dumpster Fire

I know this means we have to surrender to the inevitable.

And if life’s going to be a huge dumpster fire, we should be able to accept that.

29. Choose Peace Over Violence

We close our eyes during meditation. It’s a safety measure so we don’t see the faces of annoying people.

Inhale. Exhale. Om. Om.

30. Bliss!

When you can, get a massage. You’ll feel better. Take our word for it.

31. Gotta Maintain That Work-Life Balance

Nothing beats putting your feet up and just staring at the TV for hours after a long shift. Make sure you fix yourself a bowl of popcorn.

32. What’s Taking So Long?

It’s been a few minutes. I’m having leg cramps.

I still have an appointment with the dentist. Might stop by the supermarket for some groceries on the way home. Maybe I’ll swing by the shop to have the car’s wipers checked.

Where are you, inner peace?

33. But I Did Put Up a Good Fight

You can’t say you didn’t put up a good fight. Alas, the enemy was too strong.

34. We’re a Support Group, Actually

You can completely relax knowing that we are on your side.

We’re here to cheer your own crazy on.

35. Weekends Are for Relaxation

Ah, weekends. Sleeping in is mandatory, and your compliance is required.

36. It’s Like Murphy’s Law

That’s when it gets tricky. Who has time for a glass of wine and a bubble bath, anyway?

37. Is It Too Much to Ask for?

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Sometimes, you’ve just got to lower your standards for the quality of day you’re having. You’re entitled to aspirin and a glass of water, too.

38. Simply Turn the Page

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Nothing should distract you from relaxation time. Not even housework.

39. They Gotta Make More Poems Like This

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Wine and relaxation go hand in hand. Unfortunately, bad poetry often comes after a few glasses of wine.

40. Life Is Good

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Sit here for a moment. Just savor this scene.

Take a couple of deep breaths.

Relax your shoulders. Unclench your jaw.

Take two deep breaths again. That’s good.

41. Give in to the Inner Sloth

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Relax. You’re doing great!

Final Thoughts on Relaxing Memes

Memes can often get a message across when nothing else works.

In this case, it is the innate need for rest when you’ve been working too hard.

We hope that the memes featured today inspire you to chill out and take breaks when needed, especially if you’re having a truly hectic time. Hopefully these memes also gave you reason to smile.

If you enjoyed these memes, you might also want to check out other articles featuring memes that motivate you in life and memes that celebrate the weekend.

And if you’re looking for more resources on relaxing memes, be sure to check out these blog posts:

relaxing memes | unwind jokes | relaxing humorrelaxing memes | unwind jokes | relaxing humor


Michal Feyoh

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