House Republicans are trying to defend their demand to “offset” aid to Israel with a cut to Internal Revenue Service funding, which would actually increase the deficit by reducing the amount the IRS could collect from wealthy tax cheats. That means Republicans have to find ways to dismiss the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office report on their plan. House Speaker Mike Johnson blew it off completely, but Rep. Ralph Norman had to work a little harder to spin it because CNN’s Kate Bolduan came prepared.


Bolduan: I will say, there are different analyses especially when you’re looking 10 years out when it comes to bills like this, but in saying that you have no confidence in the CBO and that they have the agenda, they just push the agenda of the administration in power, I’ve seen you, though, tout the CBO in supporting some of your efforts in the past. I was looking this morning, your office put out a press release from February of this year, leaning on the CBO to make your point, calling it a jaw-dropping report coming out from the CBO reaffirming what you have said about out-of-control spending and national debt for a long time. So what has changed?

Well played. How would Norman respond? If you had “by halfway admitting that he picks and chooses which CBO reports he pays attention to and then changing the subject,” you are a winner.

Norman: Well, the debt ceiling numbers, CBO can’t manipulate. Now … they’re not wrong 100% of the time, nor are they right 100% of the time. But what I’m saying is now, let’s take the CBO’s numbers if it does increase the deficit. Where in the Biden administration’s plan can they have an offset? You know, we’ve got $1.7 trillion deficit this year, and where, under any circumstances can they come to bring themselves to have an offset. They can’t cut anything. What about the woke agenda of the military? That’s dollars that can be spent on aid to Israel and to be honest with you on aid for Ukraine, but they just will not do that. They’re intent on bankrupting the country and we’re tired of it here in the House and particularly under Mike Johnson.

The CBO isn’t right 100% of the time and it isn’t wrong 100% of the time, so Norman might as well just take the numbers he likes and discard the ones he doesn’t. Like the numbers showing that the current House Republican “offset” on Israel aid needs an offset of its own, because it increases the deficit.

Where in the Biden administration’s plan can they have an offset? Well, emergency aid like this has not traditionally required an offset, so this is Republicans breaking precedent and insisting that Democrats are the unreasonable ones for not just going along with it.

We’ve got a $1.7 trillion deficit, eh? Quick question: How much is the 2017 Republican tax law, which Norman voted for, adding to the deficit over a decade, according to the CBO? Oh, look at that: $1.8 trillion, not including debt servicing.

What about the woke agenda of the military? I mean … what about it? Is that like a line item in the military budget? Or are those words a Republican code for “the military isn’t as anti-woman and anti-LGBTQ+ as I think it should be, so I’m just going to sling this catchphrase around to pretend I have a point here”?

House Republicans do not care about the truth and they don’t really care how obvious that is, either. But if they fail to reach a spending agreement and shut down the government, voters are going to notice.

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Laura Clawson

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