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Lyn Alden: Our money is broken


This is the audio version of The Reason Livestream, which takes place every Thursday at 1 p.m. Eastern.

“At its core, money is a ledger,” writes investment analyst Lyn Alden in her new book Broken Money: Why Our Financial System is Failing Us and How We Can Make it Better. 

And if money is a ledger, she says, the most important question to consider is, “Who controls the ledger?”

Zach Weissmueller spoke with Alden about her book, which is a true tour de force that lays out the history of money from its inception to present, takes you deep into the dueling schools of thought around money’s fundamental properties, offers a macro analysis of today’s global monetary and fiscal situation, and charts a path forward for transitioning the world to better, more sound money in the future. If you care about any of this—and really, who doesn’t care about money?—this one is a must-read.


Zach Weissmueller

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