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In White Folks News: Amy Schumer G-Checked By Asia Jackson And Bernice King For Takes On Israel-Palestine Conflict


Source: Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for Good+Foundation/Paras Griffin/Getty Im / Getty

Amy Schumer has always been comfortable acting like a clown in front of the world and it appears that she’s cozier than ever playing her favorite role based on her recent social media activity.

Schumer has been vociferous in her support of Israel and their military strikes against Gaza to the tune of 8,525 dead Palestinians according to Newsweek. The same report states that 1,400 Israelis have been killed by Hamas attacks. Amy’s geopolitical opinions aren’t the issue at hand. The problem is that Amy has been harassing Black actress and content creator Asia Jackson about her thoughts on the matter despite having Schumer having her own distasteful takes on the conflict. On October 24, 2023, Amy posted then deleted a political cartoon of Palestinian protesters holding signs saying, “Gazans rape Jewish girls only in self-defense”, “Proud of our rapist martyrs”, and “Stab Jews for Allah.”

In reaction to Amy and other celebrities’ takes, Asia tweeted the following:


That’s when Amy, who never met Asia, never spoke to Asia, has literally no idea who she is, fixed her fingers to type, “Did something I post about my people being massacred upset you?”. To which Asia replied, “The Islamophobia and generalization of the Gazan people did.” A fair response to a snarky and condescending question. Asia posted screenshots of this conversation on her Twitter page and there was plenty more where that came from.

To her credit, Asia stood her ground with a series of cogent responses that could objectively not be refuted then she opted to leave the tea in the kettle in favor of pouring out some ether to make Schumer’s soul burn slow…

Asia then hit Amy with the remix to make sure that she heard it twice.

Amy has a pretty vivid imagination, unfortunately.

PHRC Social Justice Lecture Series Featuring Rev. Dr. Bernice King

Source: Lisa Lake / Getty

Bernice King Corrects Amy Schumer’s Faulty Logic About Martin Luther King Jr.

This wasn’t the last lesson that a Black woman would have to teach Amy about facts and how they work. Bernice King, daughter of Martin Luther King Jr. blessed Amy’s heart regarding white folks’ favorite piece of Black armor, an MLK speech.

According to Entertainment Weekly, the notorious A.M.Y. had to be…politely admonished for her misuse, mischaracterization, and malevolent invocation of the reverend doctor’s historically revered message.

However, good sista King was not going to let her father’s words be twisted and used to propagate a narrative replying on Twitter:

Bloop and bloop. Have a very bloopy day, white lady.


Jason "Jah" Lee

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