Dating & Love
The Great Resignation Could Lead to a Great Disappointment for Many
The pandemic has caused a lot of people to re-evaluate, particularly when it comes to working.
After spending more than a year at home, some don’t want to go back to commuting, preferring the flexibility of remote work at least a few days a week. Instead of heading back to the office in the wake of the Covid pandemic, employees may quit instead – this is called the “Great Resignation.”
Many employees are ready to see what else is out there.
This comes down to managing your risk and putting in place appropriate strategies.
The grass is not always greener on the other side – beware of herd mentality
First off, don’t resign just because others are doing it.
People read a headline or a statistic about a new trend and take that as validation to do the same.
If it is a fashion trend, no big deal. But what if it’s a really important decision –something that has long-term consequences or big risks like quitting your job?
Deciding to go along with the crowd based on a headline or seeming trend instead of using your data and your boundaries, lower your chances of making the best decision for your own life.
When you don’t think for yourself and just follow the herd, the blame or responsibility for a poor outcome gets deferred or diluted, but the consequences don’t.
You still must deal with the results of that decision in your own life.
The herd mentality does not help, especially if your actions are not congruent to your life and career plans – that’s assuming you have strategies, plans, or even goals in place.
What’s your strategy? Do your actions bring you closer to your goals?
In the whimsical world of Lewis Carroll’s famous tale Alice in Wonderland, the author paints mind-bending pictures of some of the most pressing questions in modern society.
Patrick Ow
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