Self Driving Level NaN
This week, Harry Altman teaches us how to make sure that
autoautomobiles don't crash into your house. It's not
immediately obvious, and the answer to the puzzle
borders on philosophical.
But first, an anonymous reader wrote
"I found this in a practice exam for an Azure Certification, !(Azure Service Bus) story."
I believe him.
Lorem ipsumwise,
"I guess this is what you don't call breaking but already broken news?"
Still job hunting,
Michael R.
"Came across
this application form.
" They're just making sure he has his story straight.
For our penultimate post this week,
befuddled Mike S.
"Uh, so what does this mean? If it's Yes,
is California not supposed to share my info?
Or No, California is not supposed to share my info?
Should there be a Maybe Yes, but I'm Not Sure position?"
Maybe the "Read More" would explain?
Finally, as promised,
Harry Altman
inveighs "The treachery of CAPTCHAS!"
"Unfortunately, the answer it was expecting wasn't NONE OF THEM," says he.
What say you? Is that a bicycle, or is it merely a representation of a bicycle?
I would agree that it is merely a representation of a bicycle, but all the same,
aren't all such captchas merely representations? On the gripping hand, if I say there's no
bicycle here, will some Tesla blithely plow into that building? Because heck, it's just a
mural, not a vehicle.

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Lyle Seaman
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