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By Louise Kinross

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Here are some quotes to pique your interest:

-From a professor at Virginia Tech and amputee: “The desire to see technological development and fixing as THE solution to disability allows people to continue to build and justify a world that is inaccessible, or that requires so much more of disabled people in order to exist.” (See top story)

-From a senior manager, on why we need rich demographic data on families: It ‘will open up potential solutions, like fast-tracking triage for particular populations where the evidence suggests they experience slower diagnosis, or possibly providing more local or mobile care based on a population’s or a neighbourhood’s needs.’ (See Health Equity)

-From an adoptive mom writing a book about the benefits of parenting with a disability: “I’m a very present parent and I’m really good at being still and listening and being attentive with my kid. I think that’s because I’m so good at resting. I have to be still to take care of my body so I’ve been honing these skills. A lot of non-disabled parents are always moving and busy and distracted. I appreciate my stillness as a parent.” (See Parent Talk)

Sign up for our monthly BLOOM e-letter. You’ll get family stories and expert advice on raising children with disabilities; interviews with activists, clinicians and researchers; and disability news. 



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