Family & Parenting
Find Door to Door Trick-or-Treating in these Greenville Neighborhoods
Where can you bring your family to trick-or-treat in Greenville? When going door to door asking for sweets in your own neighborhood isn’t the right choice, where do Upstate families go? Safety concerns, a lack of other children in the neighborhood, or just a lack of anyone at all could cause a family to look to other neighborhoods for their trick or treating needs.
So if you want the door-to-door trick-or-treating experience this year but aren’t sure what neighborhood to visit, this is the list for you. We asked our readers where the most “Halloween visitor-friendly” spots in the Upstate were, and this is what they told us.
Parents, these are recommendations gathered from our readers. Please always use your judgment regarding your child’s safety trick-or-treating and consuming treats in these or any other neighborhoods.
You can use our Halloween Guide to find fun events, trunk-or-treat and trick-or-treat opportunities, and ways to celebrate Halloween with your family all month long.

Great Neighborhoods for Trick-or-Treating in Greenville
Earle Street, Greenville
“Earle Street has several officers directing traffic at the red light on North Main. We usually start on one end and travel down and back up the other side. They have so many decorated houses, fire breathers, singers, bands, games, and other fun stuff at each house.
Earle Street is off North Main in Greenville.
Botany Woods, Greenville
Botany Woods!!! The Best!….But trust me! It’s enough candy for a child. Both my twins come bk with their buckets almost full.
Botany Woods is in Greenville, east of Pleasantburg road and behind the Ollie’s on Wade Hampton. This neighborhood is recommended year after year for trick-or-treating in Greenville!
Half Mile Lake, Greenville
Half Mile Lake subdivision is located off State Park Road near Altamont Road.
Riverdale Subdivision, Greer
Riverdale Subdivision Greer across the street from Clayton Homes off Wade Hampton Blvd
Riverdale is located just west of the Highway 80 and Wade Hampton intersection in Lyman.

O’Neal Village in Greer
We had two readers mention
this North Greer neighborhood, located off of 101.
We love O’Neal Village in Greer.
Subdivision off hwy 101 right before oneal Baptist church on right
Fountain Inn
While it’s not a neighborhood, it does come reader recommended, so we are including Main Street, Fountain Inn.
I grew up with amazing Halloween memories there and they’re still carrying it on.

Neely Farms, Simpsonville
Neely farms hands down!!
Orchard Farms, Simpsonville
Orchard Farms is located in the heart of the Golden Strip in Simpsonville and is recommended by several readers.
Morning Mist, Simpsonville
A few readers recommended Morning Mist in Simpsonville, saying that the decorating is amazing. The neighborhood is off of Georgia Road.
Silver Leaf, Greer
At least 3 readers recommend the Silver Leaf community for trick or treating. It’s located in Greer off of Old Spartanburg Road.
Amber Oaks Farm, Greer
Someone recommended Amber Oaks Farm in Greer by Blue Ridge High school. It’s located off Pennington Road and Highway 101.
Tymberbrook, Lyman
Tymberbrook in Lyman, it’s a big older neighborhood and soooo many of the houses are involved, lots of kids and costumes lots of people having driveway parties!!!
Tymberbrook Drive is located in Lyman, north of Wade Hampton near Lake Lyman.
Lyman Mill Village
Lyman Mill Village! Park your car and go walking all around. Most of the homes give candy and there are trunk or treats from churches. Police have roads blocked for safety!
North Main
The Neighborhood of North Main street just above Wade Hampton got a lot of likes from our readers, too! According to Kidding Around fans, East and West Earle Street sound like a good place to trick or treat.
Honey Creek, Anderson
The Honey Creek subdivision in Anderson came highly recommended. It’s near Arnold’s and South Main Street, and is technically in Belton.
I grew up with amazing Halloween memories there and they’re still carrying it on.
Rose Hill, Powdersville
Rose Hill for the Powdersville folks! Almost every house is decorated and most set up tables to hand out candy! Get there early to park (not on the grass) there are 500+ easy trick or treaters every year!
Rose Hill is a newer subdivision in Powdersville off 3 Bridges Road and Mt Airy Church Road.

Tips for Trick-or-Treating as a Guest in a Neighborhood
Local mom Dallas, had this great bit of advice for those visiting other neighborhoods on Halloween :
Parents: bring a trash bag to help pick up the discarded wrappers and random trash that inevitably happens when we visit neighboring communities for better loot. We live in a rural area and go to local subdivisions and noticed the residents are SUPER appreciative if you help out a bit and don’t leave their neighborhoods trashed.
I once noticed something being done and have now started doing it when we visit other neighborhoods on Halloween. I bring glow necklaces and bracelets to hand out to kids walking past us trick or treating. It helps keep kids safe, we’re helping to contribute to the loot of trick-or-treaters in a non-allergenic way, PLUS everyone loves glo-sticks!
We hope that no matter where you decide to go, we hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween!
Halloween Fun: Haunted Car Wash in Greenville, SC Gives Great Scares
Kidding Around Team
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