Changpeng Zhao, the CEO of Binance, one of the world’s largest Bitcoin and crypto exchanges, has expressed his belief that the next Bitcoin halving, scheduled for 2024, could usher in a period of renewed price growth.

Bitcoin halvings, which occur approximately every four years, are pivotal events in the cryptocurrency’s history. During these events, the rate at which new Bitcoin is created through mining is reduced, resulting in a reduction in the asset’s issuance.

As alluded by Zhao, this supply shock has historically had a significant impact on the price of Bitcoin, resulting in all-time highs in 2013, 2017, and 2021.

Zhao’s remarks on the potential for “all-time highs” following the 2024 Bitcoin halving are grounded in historical trends. Over the past three halvings, Bitcoin has experienced remarkable price surges in the years that followed.

Zhao offers the following explanation for the data:

  1. Pre-Halving Excitement: In the lead-up to a Bitcoin halving, the cryptocurrency community typically witnesses a surge in excitement, discussions, and media coverage. This phenomenon reflects the anticipation and high expectations surrounding the event.
  2. Post-Halving Reality: Contrary to some expectations, the price of Bitcoin does not immediately double overnight following a halving. Instead, the immediate aftermath is often characterized by a period of consolidation and adjustments.
  3. Subsequent Price Surges: It is in the year or years following a Bitcoin halving that the cryptocurrency’s price has historically surged to new all-time highs. This phenomenon is driven by a combination of factors, including increased awareness, growing adoption, and the reduced rate of Bitcoin production.

As such, the remarks find Zhao echoing the belief of many Bitcoiners that the asset is becoming predictable and cyclical with its price movements, as a result from that fact that it is a sound money whose monetary policy isn’t controlled by governments.

These events serve as a reminder of the digital currency’s deflationary characteristics, setting it apart from traditional fiat currencies.

Reed Macdonald

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