No matter how perfect you may be for that job you just applied for, there’s one thing you could do during your interview that will almost certainly turn off your potential future employer.

It all begins with a seemingly innocuous question they will inevitably ask you: “So, why are you leaving your current job?”

Understandably, you’ll want to tell the truth — maybe your boss is a tyrant, or the culture is toxic, or you feel all the hard work you’re doing just isn’t appreciated.

We get it. Noah Michelson, my co-host on “Am I Doing It Wrong?,” HuffPost’s new podcast, and I have been tempted to talk trash when we encounter this question. But, as we learned during this week’s episode, speaking negatively about your current employer won’t win you any points in an interview — and it could actually cost you the job.

We chatted with Dr. Lisa Orbe-Austin, a trusted career coach and psychologist, to find out why, what to say instead, and get her advice on what else we should and shouldn’t do to ace our next interview:

After you’ve had a listen above (or wherever you get your podcasts), subscribe to “Am I Doing It Wrong?” so you never miss an episode. Each week, we’ll tackle a new topic — from apologizing to grocery shopping to online dating and lots more — in hopes of figuring out how we (and you) can do just about everything a little better.

Need some help with something you’ve been doing wrong? Email us at [email protected], and we might choose it as a topic for an upcoming episode.

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