9 Summer Staycation Ideas For The Whole Family
In my youth, I had the fortune of travelling a lot. It was my passion and I was working on building a business around it (a women’s travel-zine turned website intended to be a hub for women travellers to connect and find resources – but alas, a story for another day). But in all of this exploring, I feel that I have seen very little of my own province, and now with a little one in tow, there is so much of my city I want to experience again. And so I’ve been drawing upon my creative staycation ideas!
If you’re staying close to home this summer, beyond having a dance party, cooking up something new and exciting, and tending your garden, I hope some of these staycation ideas help you pass the time with a little more fun and enjoyment.
9 summer staycation ideas
Berry Picking / Pick Your Own
There are loads of farms offering experiences for families. Whether it be berry picking, visiting farm animals, or helping out on the farm, explore the options in your area for a fun day in nature, with sweet treats to reward your efforts.
Home Spa Day
Outdoor Drinks or BBQs
If you have an outdoor space, like a patio or a backyard, take advantage and host something! Enjoy mocktails, BBQ classics like burgers and ketchup, iced tea, or anything else you and your friends and family would love. If you don’t have a backyard or patio, then visit a neighbourhood park (ensure you follow the regulations for the park you’re in).
Do or Learn Something Creative (Or Share Your Skills With Others)
Tap into the creative side of your brain by getting out some art supplies, starting a journal, taking a writing class, making jewelry, or whatever other creative endeavour you’d love to pursue. Even better, if it can be brought outside, invite friends over for a craft party and take turns hosting. It could become a really nourishing skill share event to look forward to.
Have a Concert, Comedy, or Movie Night
Neighbourhood Adventures
It’s so easy to get stuck in our own neighbourhoods and most cities offer amazing surprises, delights, and interactions as soon as you venture off your usual path. There are loads of small businesses in operation and great restaurants you don’t even know exist – and small businesses really need help right now. Be a tourist in your own city and pick a neighbourhood to explore top to tail without a specific destination or goal.
Go For a Walk in Nature
Enjoy a Picnic
City-Wide Scavenger Hunt (Or Keep It To Your Local Park or Backyard)
We’ve been doing this with our son by creating a game sheet with things to find based on where we’re going. It keeps him looking around and engaged, we get a long walk in the mix. You could also organize this with larger groups of friends or other families and have connected adventures for the whole day through. Here are some scavenger hunt ideas for adults, and this post has a fun little nature-based scavenger hunt for younger kids.
So these are my best summer staycation ideas. I am sure I am missing loads. Please post a comment below and let me know what I missed! Happy to keep this list growing to keep us all enjoying new experiences all summer long.

Meghan Telpner
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