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9 of the Best Companion Plants to Grow with Zucchini


The same goes for squash vine borers (Melittia cucurbitae), and spotted (Diabrotica undecimpunctata) and striped cucumber beetles (Acalymma vittatum).

All of these insects will choose ‘Blue Hubbard’ over pretty much anything else.

If you really want to ensure that your zukes thrive without becoming an all-you-can-eat-buffet for these bugs, plant some ‘Blue Hubbard’ squash nearby.

This is a practice known as trap cropping and it’s highly effective.

Even better, go out and hand-pick the inevitable bugs as they tuck into the meal you’ve provided.

‘Blue Hubbard’ Squash

You can also regularly spray your ‘Blue Hubbard’ plants with an insecticide containing pyrethrins. Just make sure your ‘Blue Hubbard’ is within 10 feet or so of your zucchini crop.

To bring home an eighth of an ounce of seeds, head to High Mowing Organic Seeds.

Learn more about how to grow winter squash in our guide.

2. Marigolds

Marigolds (Tagetes spp.) kick butt as a companion plant. They effectively repel whiteflies and root-knot nematodes, and they attract slugs and snails away from more valuable crops.

They also draw aphids away from squash crops.

Plus, they’re extremely prolific and colorful. We have a guide that explains how to best use marigolds in the garden as a companion plant if you’re looking for all the details about this cheerful flower.

Plant them within a few feet of your zukes.

A close up of colorful marigolds growing in the garden.

Happy Days Mixed Marigolds

Happy Days Mixed is a vibrant, varied mixture of red, orange, and yellow two-inch blossoms. You can snag seeds at Burpee in packs of 150.

You can find more information about growing marigolds in our guide.

3. Marjoram

To know marjoram (Origanum majorana) is to love her, and sadly, not enough people know her.

If you haven’t tried growing marjoram before, and you want your zucchini to grow well, it’s time you gave it a try.

Besides the fact that the herb tastes fantastic chopped on baked zucchini, marjoram repels whiteflies, so you get two benefits for the price of one.

Be sure the marjoram is within a few feet of your squash.

A close up of sweet marjoram foliage in the garden.


Marjoram is a handy herb to have around the garden, so purchase packages of 2,000 seeds or live plants in three-inch pots at Burpee.

Learn more about growing marjoram in our guide.

4. Nasturtiums

Nasturtiums (Tropaeolum spp.) are a triple threat: they taste delicious and add color to culinary adventures, they self-seed reliably so they return year after year, and they attract aphids and flea beetles away from your zucchini.

Don’t panic that these pests will destroy your beloved nasturtiums, though. These colorful beauties are tough.

Plant them within a few feet of your squash. The beautiful flowers are just a giant bonus.

A square image of 'Salmon Baby' nasturtiums growing in the garden.

‘Salmon Baby’ Nasturtiums

‘Salmon Baby,’ for instance, has elegant pink and salmon flowers and you can bring home a packet, ounce, quarter-pound, or pound of seeds from Eden Brothers.

You can find more information about growing nasturtiums here.

5. Okra

Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it repels silverleaf whiteflies (Bemisia argentifolli) and may help increase yields in your zukes, so keep it around even if you don’t have plans to eat it.

Red Burgundy’ is a lovely ornamental variety with attractive flowers and red pods.

A square image of freshly harvested 'Burgundy' okra in a wicker basket set on a wooden surface.

‘Red Burgundy’ Okra

Want some? Packets of seeds are available at High Mowing Seeds.

Silverleaf whiteflies are worth avoiding because they spread diseases and viruses, and they can cause silverleaf disorder, which makes zucchini leaves turn yellow.

If they’re grown within a few feet of your summer squash, they can help drive this annoying pest away.

Learn more about growing okra here.

6. Radishes

Radishes (Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. sativus) are useful for controlling squash bugs (Anasa tristis), and we all know these bugs love zucchini.

Pick your favorite variety so you can eat the radishes, and plan to plant two rounds in succession within a few feet of your squash.

A square image of 'Fresh Breakfast' radishes, whole and sliced, set on a wooden chopping board.

‘French Breakfast’ Radishes

‘French Breakfast’ is a classic option that’s reliable and delicious, and it’s available at Eden Brothers in small packets and in bulk.

Find cultivation tips in our guide to growing radishes.

7. Sunn Hemp

Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea) isn’t common in many gardens, but those who can grow this plant should consider it. It repels silverleaf whiteflies, and it can help increase yields.

A close up horizontal image of the yellow flowers of Crotalaria juncea growing in bright sunshine.

Sunn hemp hails from tropical regions and suppresses nematodes. It also fixes nitrogen in the soil, acting like a natural fertilizer.

The trick is to grow it as a living mulch, but cut it down to below seven inches tall and keep it below that height. If it grows taller, you actually run the risk of reducing yields.

A close up of a bag of sunn hemp seeds isolated on a white background.

Sunn Hemp

For 10 pounds of seed to add to your garden – and maybe share with friends – visit Walmart.

8. Sweet Alyssum

Sweet alyssum (Lobularia maritima) shows all kinds of promise as an effective cover crop.

It has been the subject of numerous studies and these have shown that sweet alyssum attracts beneficial predators like parasitic and predatory wasps, and flies that help control whiteflies, leaf miners, thrips, mites, and aphids.

A horizontal image of a carpet of colorful sweet alyssum growing in the garden.

Plant this pretty ground cover near your zukes to attract the good bugs that will help you eliminate the bad.

Beyond their ability to bring in the good stuff, sweet alyssum plants make a dense, colorful ground cover for shady areas. That means you can plant them under your zukes, and they’ll be fine.

Or, plant them around your zucchini instead. Sweet alyssum can tolerate sun, so these flowers can adapt to all kinds of spaces.

‘Carpet of Snow,’ with its thick growth habit and abundant white flowers, gives the impression of a beautiful blanket of snow covering your garden without the cold temperatures.

A square image of 'Carpet of Snow' sweet alyssum growing in a garden border flanked by stones.

‘Carpet of Snow’ Sweet Alyssum

Bring home some seed for planting from Eden Brothers in small packets, one-ounce, and quarter-, one-, or five-pound containers.

Learn more about growing sweet alyssum in our guide.

9. White Clover

Along with okra, white clover (Trifolium repens) keeps silverleaf whiteflies away.

It also fixes nitrogen in the soil and loosens it up, too. Grow some between your plants to work as a green walkway.

A square image of a field of white clover in bloom.

White Clover

Bulk packages of one, five, 20, or 40 pounds of seed are available at High Mowing Organic Seeds so you can spread the clover love far and wide.

What to Avoid

Black-eyed peas (Vigna unguicalata) are an important crop in many parts of the world and this species has been the subject of numerous studies to see if they can provide any value as a companion crop.


Kristine Lofgren

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